I got an interesting response from IBOM Support yesterday regarding my last posting. I was told that a cowardly scammer had hacked this blog and had written the last post. I assume Support was referring to the last post as I cannot find anything I have not written myself.
Perhaps I am shooting myself in the foot by admitting I wrote the last post that quoted letters sent me by a reader I call "Mace". Perhaps, since Support instructed me to delete everything the hacker wrote, I am at risk of having my IBOM account deleted for not deleting my own last posting which Support believes to be the writing of the hacker. They might just close my IBOM account as they threatened to do once before when the questions I asked in my blog and the possible answers I came up with were esteemed by Support to be negative and harmful to IBOM. I was told I was not supporting IBOM and therefore was not worthy of having an account. The only way to correct the situation was to delete all my blog entries that questioned IBOM otherwise my account would be closed.
I did delete my entries. They didn't close my account. They just froze it, putting it on Administrative Hold where it could earn no interest, not even 3%, the lowest interest rate offered. That was over a year ago, almost 2 years now if memory serves.
In my last blog, the one Support wants deleted, I presented an offer to help King Peii II to get his piles of assayed, gold-rich ore smelted and purified so it can actually be backing of a currency, the gold itself being currency in its own right. With hundreds of billions of BVK worth of gold ingots in place the King would surely be able to successfully back his new currency. Add to that the fact that his employees would have been paid in BVK (backed by the gold they were purifying) and so those BVK would have been put into circulation in the economy the wealth of the nation would be increased two-fold -- by the influx of BVK and by the creation of new wealth, the gold.
I thought the offer to the King would be a good thing, possibly even evoking a response something like, "Thank you, Mr. Sevy. We will take your offer into consideration." I did get a response but it was nothing like what I hoped. I was told to delete the blog entry containing the offer to the King. Why?
"Our message for today is that you must know that you are associated with the most wanted fraudsters and criminals. You are linked to those criminals because you are the owner and director of the fraud bank under the name of ibom (M=Meekamui). We have got more than enough materials which will make Roger Renaud, your Secretary of State, one of the most wanted fraudster in the world. You can never justify your position by your silence." Mace laid it on the line with this statement and I think he was right to do so. Surely, if the King knows anything is amiss he is responsible to eradicate the error, correct the problem, evict the "fraudster" with denunciations or the King is as culpable of the crimes committed as s/he who actually perpetrated the crime.
If I know of a crime and of the criminal and I do nothing but remain silent I can be held partially responsible for the damage done. Jail time could result or at least a sizeable fine. Just as ignorance of a law is no justification under the law of breaking the law, silence is no defense of a crime revealed. If I know of an ongoing crime I have a responsibility to my community to reveal the crime or I can be held responsible for the damages to victims of the crime. This is common moral law which can be upheld by an ample supply of case law.
Of course, those who make the rules often set themselves above the rules just as "he who has the gold makes the rules". There is little that the little guy can do about that and I am a little guy. This means I may be at risk of having my IBOM account shut down because I will not delete my last blog even though Support told me to, they believing it to be the writings of an anonymous hacker, most likely thought to be Mace.
I don't anticipate any good to come of this. My IBOM account might be deleted instead of this blog. However, since even the King will not respond to my offers to use his BVK for legitimate business just as no other banker or business person will respond to my offers, there seems to be nothing lost if my account is shut down. If my account is terminated the only thing lost will be my initial small cash deposit and the wish and hope lost forever that the Bougainville Kina actually has any value.
I'll keep you posted.
Cameron Cv
Perhaps I am shooting myself in the foot by admitting I wrote the last post that quoted letters sent me by a reader I call "Mace". Perhaps, since Support instructed me to delete everything the hacker wrote, I am at risk of having my IBOM account deleted for not deleting my own last posting which Support believes to be the writing of the hacker. They might just close my IBOM account as they threatened to do once before when the questions I asked in my blog and the possible answers I came up with were esteemed by Support to be negative and harmful to IBOM. I was told I was not supporting IBOM and therefore was not worthy of having an account. The only way to correct the situation was to delete all my blog entries that questioned IBOM otherwise my account would be closed.
I did delete my entries. They didn't close my account. They just froze it, putting it on Administrative Hold where it could earn no interest, not even 3%, the lowest interest rate offered. That was over a year ago, almost 2 years now if memory serves.
In my last blog, the one Support wants deleted, I presented an offer to help King Peii II to get his piles of assayed, gold-rich ore smelted and purified so it can actually be backing of a currency, the gold itself being currency in its own right. With hundreds of billions of BVK worth of gold ingots in place the King would surely be able to successfully back his new currency. Add to that the fact that his employees would have been paid in BVK (backed by the gold they were purifying) and so those BVK would have been put into circulation in the economy the wealth of the nation would be increased two-fold -- by the influx of BVK and by the creation of new wealth, the gold.
I thought the offer to the King would be a good thing, possibly even evoking a response something like, "Thank you, Mr. Sevy. We will take your offer into consideration." I did get a response but it was nothing like what I hoped. I was told to delete the blog entry containing the offer to the King. Why?
"Our message for today is that you must know that you are associated with the most wanted fraudsters and criminals. You are linked to those criminals because you are the owner and director of the fraud bank under the name of ibom (M=Meekamui). We have got more than enough materials which will make Roger Renaud, your Secretary of State, one of the most wanted fraudster in the world. You can never justify your position by your silence." Mace laid it on the line with this statement and I think he was right to do so. Surely, if the King knows anything is amiss he is responsible to eradicate the error, correct the problem, evict the "fraudster" with denunciations or the King is as culpable of the crimes committed as s/he who actually perpetrated the crime.
If I know of a crime and of the criminal and I do nothing but remain silent I can be held partially responsible for the damage done. Jail time could result or at least a sizeable fine. Just as ignorance of a law is no justification under the law of breaking the law, silence is no defense of a crime revealed. If I know of an ongoing crime I have a responsibility to my community to reveal the crime or I can be held responsible for the damages to victims of the crime. This is common moral law which can be upheld by an ample supply of case law.
Of course, those who make the rules often set themselves above the rules just as "he who has the gold makes the rules". There is little that the little guy can do about that and I am a little guy. This means I may be at risk of having my IBOM account shut down because I will not delete my last blog even though Support told me to, they believing it to be the writings of an anonymous hacker, most likely thought to be Mace.
I don't anticipate any good to come of this. My IBOM account might be deleted instead of this blog. However, since even the King will not respond to my offers to use his BVK for legitimate business just as no other banker or business person will respond to my offers, there seems to be nothing lost if my account is shut down. If my account is terminated the only thing lost will be my initial small cash deposit and the wish and hope lost forever that the Bougainville Kina actually has any value.
I'll keep you posted.
Cameron Cv
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