Hello, Friends,
I subscribe to a free newsletter written by Bill Bonner and his family. It is found at http://www.bonnerandpartners.com/
There is a lot of information shared in this sometimes rambling newsletter. I'm sure he basically sits and rambles sometimes but very often the rambling is very worthwhile and interesting. Below is one such "rambling" that I thought I'd share with you. It is dated January 24, 2014.
Wealth Series
Ultimate Secret
All the information is very generic and non-specific except that it relates directly to application of principles that, when applied in the long years of living, this generic information becomes very specific and yields very, very valuable family wealth. of the Ultra Rich Dear Reader, What separates the rich from the rest of us? "They have more money," said Hemingway. But how did they get it? How do they hold onto it? That's a bit more complicated. I recently drove through a working class neighborhood in Baltimore called Dundalk. It is an area of simple one- and two-story wooden houses on small lots. Fifty years ago, it was where Baltimore's industrial labor force lived. They worked in industry – for Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, The B&O Railroad and in the busy harbor. Today, those high-wage industries are mostly silent and rusting. Some sites along the water have been converted to loft apartments for Baltimore's young professionals. And some of the children and grandchildren have moved away – to the suburbs or to other cities. But most of them are still there. Their parents and grandparents earned a good living. But few got rich. And now, few of their descendants are rich either. Across town in the rich "old" northern suburbs of Roland Park and Ruxton the people are different. The rich left the city many years ago. But in these green suburbs they remain. Some richer. Some poorer. But, by and large, the same people whose parents were there 50 years ago. What accounts for it? How come some families stay rich generation after generation, while others never have a nickel? "Culture," you will say. "Education," perhaps. You won't be wrong. But what, specifically, about culture and education is it that makes such a big difference in outcomes? Simply put, you might say the secret is that these "Old Money" families take the long view. But there is something deeper and more important. These families know how to turn time into an ally instead of an enemy. They have worked out very specific strategies that use time to boost investment returns (much higher rates of return... with lower risk). And they have worked out ways to use time to prepare the family to not only protect money... but to make it grow. This is why they invest in education and training. And why they make sure family members add to their collective wealth, rather than subtracting from it. It is why they try to guide their children to suitable spouses. They know that a rotten apple will spoil the barrel. It is why they spend time and money on lawyers and accountants, too – making sure that the structures are in place to pass along wealth and protect it. It is why they prefer deep value assets over momentum investing. Over time, value rises to the top. Momentum slows. [They invest based upon actual returns instead of averages. They know averages very often do not equal actual returns] It is why they will wait a long time – many, many years – for the right investment at the right price. It is why they like investments with long-term payoffs – such as timber, mining and infrastructure. And it's how they are able to benefit from compound growth – letting relatively modest gains grow over several generations. It is why they are almost fanatical about eliminating costs – taxes, investment charges and unrewarding living expenses. They know that wear and tear, over time, will wreck their family fortunes. It is why they develop long-lasting partnerships with the professionals they need to make sure their interests are protected and their plans are carried out. Let me ask you something. If you thought you'd live forever, would you do anything different? Wouldn't your attitude to your money change a little? Wouldn't you slow down, realizing that you're not in such a hurry to make money? And wouldn't you reduce your spending too – knowing that your money would have to last you a long, long time? The truly wealthy are careful to spend their money on things that hold their value over time. It is why they do not trade in and out of investments. Instead, they find a few positions and stick with them – for decades. [In this way compounding can take its miraculous effect] It is also why they prepare their families, over the course of many, many years, so that they will be prepared for the challenge of managing and enlarging the family wealth. This is what separates the serious money from the here-today-gone-tomorrow crowd. The serious money knows there's a lot more to successful wealth building... especially over the long run... than just stock picking. Instead of trying to control the uncontrollable - the returns you get from stocks - they are focused on what they can control. Of course, most really wealthy families have a family office somewhere in the background making sure these things are on track. And without someone dedicating time to making these things happen, they often don't. Most generational wealth transfers fail. Money that was hard earned is lost through poor investment decisions and lack of planning. When it comes down to it, you might say that successful families do all the things unsuccessful families don't want to do. [because it takes actual long term thinking!] These things take work. But if you're determined to keep wealth in the family, the sooner you start on them, the better. Sincerely, Bill Bonner Editor, Diary of a Rogue Economist
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The Ultimate Secret of the Ultra Rich
This is the end of this dialogue about IBOM
IBOM is an enigma of sorts. It is the brainchild of a man who lives in the mountains of Bougainville Island protected by armed guards. Of course, every head of state is protected by armed guards. The leaders of every nation I know has his or her not so secret service agents strategically placed wherever they go so the armed guards of the "King of Panguna Mine" are nothing unusual.
The currency of the International Bank Of Meekamui (the ancient native name of the Kingdom of Bougainville Island) is the Bougainville Kina (BVK) and is claimed to be backed by the wealth of the island -- alluvial gold and other precious and semi-precious metals and minerals of the earth -- which are found in abundance on Bougainville. This is unusual in that every other nation or bank that prints money establishes its currency securely upon the government's ability to tax the people enough to pay the nation's or the bank's debt.
Each currency bill is a debt instrument that basically says "the bank will pay" to the holder the named amount, but what will the bank pay? Gold? Silver? No. The bank will just replace the presented bill with other bills, for example a $100 bill will be replaced with 5 $20 bills or 10 $10 bills. But the Bougainville Kina paper bills supposedly are backed by alluvial gold held by IBOM. The question is: where is the gold?
The answer is: in the land owned/controlled by the King and the People of Meekamui. So are BVK a secure financial instrument? I suppose that depends on whether or not the people trust in it as the people of Papua New Guinea trust their Papua Kina which are backed by debt and taxes, not by the gold that the government does not hold. Which Kina is more secure in your point of view -- the wealth-backed BVK or the debt/taxes backed PNGKina?
We are told IBOM is distributing BVK to its account holders and, if I am correct, it is buying alluvial gold using BVK. That is truly banking on gold which makes for a secure bank and currency and account holder, as long as the bank does not over-extend itself and go into debt.
I am not a banker. I only know that I deposited some cash and a couple promissory notes into a high yield account and let it accumulate interest for a year. Then I tried to use some of the vast amount of BVK I was told are in my account but was unable. Perhaps I asked the wrong people but no one I asked who did business on Bougainville wanted anything to do with BVK. I began to question in this blog whether IBOM is a legitimate bank and my account was placed on "Administrative Hold" because I was "talking bad about IBOM". I've not earned a single BVK in interest since nor have I been able to find anyone who wants to do business using my BVK as capital if IBOM would release my account for use.
I've offered my BVK to the King to use to pay people to mine the gold and minerals out of Panguna Mine which he holds but I've received no response from either himself or any of his employees, i.e. the IBOM Support team who placed my account on hold because of what they read in this blog. I know they read the blog because they have emailed me about it quite recently. My offer to the king stands. My BVK remain available to be used to increase the wealth of the kingdom and the bank.
I have offered to do business with Bougainville copra growers, produce growers, and manufacturers on the island who will sell their copra/produce/products to me in exchange for my BVK but no one has stepped forward to receive FULL RETAIL PRICE for their wares. Perhaps I need to contact them individually.
I've written about a distressed IBOM account holder who personally and with some friends deposited close to a million USD into IBOM accounts and now is convinced he and his friends have lost their money. This depositor has shared with me some of the responses he received from IBOM Support. Instead of being reaffiriming, consoling and confirming that IBOM will fulfill their promises and the deposits are safe and secure, the emails were accusatory, defensive and threatening. From a gold-backed international banker? No, the emails sounded more like they were written by an immature, teenager clerk. I cannot blame Mace for being distressed.
It was similar to my experience wherein I was asking IBOM Support how to contact the Autonomous Bougainville Government business licensing department to ask them directly if they would take BVK in payment for a license instead of USD. Instead of just giving me the requested information I was argued with, put off and put down. I wrote about it in this blog, among other things such as a USA bank that was in contact with IBOM to negotiate dealings but IBOM would not respond to the banker's requests, so he told me when I called the bank directly. When I wrote my experiences and findings in this blog I was told I was "talking bad about IBOM" and was threatened with closure of my account.
I erased all my previous blog entries and my account was not closed but was frozen in Administrative Hold where it has been, earning no interest, for at least a year and a half now. Perhaps I will not be allowed to use my BVK even if I can find another IBOM account holder who is willing to receive BVK in payment. I don't know.
The only way to prove a currency is to use it as legal tender in a business exchange. I need to find a Bougainville islander or an IBOM account holder who will receive BVK in payment for goods or services. That is all there is to it so that is what I will strive to do. There is no use writing any more about whether or not IBOM is legitimate.
If I can do business with BVK I'll let you know. Otherwise I will write about other things that I know are legitimate and profitable and provide financial hope to those who put their trust and labor into those things. Some examples of these things are:
1. Infinite Family Banking - a process where a family can save money in the most save, secure, high interest paying financial instrument through which that family can do infinite banking, borrowing and earning, thus retaining and accumulating wealth that becomes a trans-generational family financial legacy.
2. BidRx.com Prescription Discount Service where a person can save large percentages on their prescription medications and can also earn increasing amounts weekly by sharing the Discount Service with others. See www.PrescriptionDiscountsUS.com and www.RealProsperityNow.US
These two financial instruments are two of thousands, tools by which a person or a family or a company can create financial hope, wealth and security in this world of trials and tears. I am working both of these tools right now because, after studying them both I have found them to be real services that guarantee benefit to the participants. They are based upon real desirable products and services that provide real profits for every participant along the way -- Win-Win-Win for the provider, the sales people and the recipients.
In the meanwhile, regarding IBOM and BVK, if anything comes of it ...
I'll keep you posted.
Cameron Cv
The currency of the International Bank Of Meekamui (the ancient native name of the Kingdom of Bougainville Island) is the Bougainville Kina (BVK) and is claimed to be backed by the wealth of the island -- alluvial gold and other precious and semi-precious metals and minerals of the earth -- which are found in abundance on Bougainville. This is unusual in that every other nation or bank that prints money establishes its currency securely upon the government's ability to tax the people enough to pay the nation's or the bank's debt.
Each currency bill is a debt instrument that basically says "the bank will pay" to the holder the named amount, but what will the bank pay? Gold? Silver? No. The bank will just replace the presented bill with other bills, for example a $100 bill will be replaced with 5 $20 bills or 10 $10 bills. But the Bougainville Kina paper bills supposedly are backed by alluvial gold held by IBOM. The question is: where is the gold?
The answer is: in the land owned/controlled by the King and the People of Meekamui. So are BVK a secure financial instrument? I suppose that depends on whether or not the people trust in it as the people of Papua New Guinea trust their Papua Kina which are backed by debt and taxes, not by the gold that the government does not hold. Which Kina is more secure in your point of view -- the wealth-backed BVK or the debt/taxes backed PNGKina?
We are told IBOM is distributing BVK to its account holders and, if I am correct, it is buying alluvial gold using BVK. That is truly banking on gold which makes for a secure bank and currency and account holder, as long as the bank does not over-extend itself and go into debt.
I am not a banker. I only know that I deposited some cash and a couple promissory notes into a high yield account and let it accumulate interest for a year. Then I tried to use some of the vast amount of BVK I was told are in my account but was unable. Perhaps I asked the wrong people but no one I asked who did business on Bougainville wanted anything to do with BVK. I began to question in this blog whether IBOM is a legitimate bank and my account was placed on "Administrative Hold" because I was "talking bad about IBOM". I've not earned a single BVK in interest since nor have I been able to find anyone who wants to do business using my BVK as capital if IBOM would release my account for use.
I've offered my BVK to the King to use to pay people to mine the gold and minerals out of Panguna Mine which he holds but I've received no response from either himself or any of his employees, i.e. the IBOM Support team who placed my account on hold because of what they read in this blog. I know they read the blog because they have emailed me about it quite recently. My offer to the king stands. My BVK remain available to be used to increase the wealth of the kingdom and the bank.
I have offered to do business with Bougainville copra growers, produce growers, and manufacturers on the island who will sell their copra/produce/products to me in exchange for my BVK but no one has stepped forward to receive FULL RETAIL PRICE for their wares. Perhaps I need to contact them individually.
I've written about a distressed IBOM account holder who personally and with some friends deposited close to a million USD into IBOM accounts and now is convinced he and his friends have lost their money. This depositor has shared with me some of the responses he received from IBOM Support. Instead of being reaffiriming, consoling and confirming that IBOM will fulfill their promises and the deposits are safe and secure, the emails were accusatory, defensive and threatening. From a gold-backed international banker? No, the emails sounded more like they were written by an immature, teenager clerk. I cannot blame Mace for being distressed.
It was similar to my experience wherein I was asking IBOM Support how to contact the Autonomous Bougainville Government business licensing department to ask them directly if they would take BVK in payment for a license instead of USD. Instead of just giving me the requested information I was argued with, put off and put down. I wrote about it in this blog, among other things such as a USA bank that was in contact with IBOM to negotiate dealings but IBOM would not respond to the banker's requests, so he told me when I called the bank directly. When I wrote my experiences and findings in this blog I was told I was "talking bad about IBOM" and was threatened with closure of my account.
I erased all my previous blog entries and my account was not closed but was frozen in Administrative Hold where it has been, earning no interest, for at least a year and a half now. Perhaps I will not be allowed to use my BVK even if I can find another IBOM account holder who is willing to receive BVK in payment. I don't know.
The only way to prove a currency is to use it as legal tender in a business exchange. I need to find a Bougainville islander or an IBOM account holder who will receive BVK in payment for goods or services. That is all there is to it so that is what I will strive to do. There is no use writing any more about whether or not IBOM is legitimate.
If I can do business with BVK I'll let you know. Otherwise I will write about other things that I know are legitimate and profitable and provide financial hope to those who put their trust and labor into those things. Some examples of these things are:
1. Infinite Family Banking - a process where a family can save money in the most save, secure, high interest paying financial instrument through which that family can do infinite banking, borrowing and earning, thus retaining and accumulating wealth that becomes a trans-generational family financial legacy.
2. BidRx.com Prescription Discount Service where a person can save large percentages on their prescription medications and can also earn increasing amounts weekly by sharing the Discount Service with others. See www.PrescriptionDiscountsUS.com and www.RealProsperityNow.US
These two financial instruments are two of thousands, tools by which a person or a family or a company can create financial hope, wealth and security in this world of trials and tears. I am working both of these tools right now because, after studying them both I have found them to be real services that guarantee benefit to the participants. They are based upon real desirable products and services that provide real profits for every participant along the way -- Win-Win-Win for the provider, the sales people and the recipients.
In the meanwhile, regarding IBOM and BVK, if anything comes of it ...
I'll keep you posted.
Cameron Cv
Interesting Dialogue between Mace and Rand
I have been privileged to be a witness to an interesting dialogue between two friends.
Mace has been an active participant on this blog and in my personal emails. Mace reported, as I understand it, that he invested as much as $860,000 USD into IBOM and has not received as much as a penny in return. He reports to have documents in hand that prove the King, IBOM and all of the team to be scammers who also got scammed by one Canadian, Roger Renaud.
Brand is a founder of the ICC and reports that he is working closely with the King and IBOM to bring their promises to fruition. Brand has always treated me with respect and, to my perception, honesty and integrity. I have found Brand to be very direct, blunt and at times a bit more "earthy" in his language than I would wish. If he is snowing me he is doing it in a way that has not cost me anything, so I wonder.
Here is a portion of a Q&A dialogue exchange they cc'd to me via email. It begins with Mace responding in blue text to Brand 's questions from a past email in black print; Then we have Brand 's responses in red text :
Mace has been an active participant on this blog and in my personal emails. Mace reported, as I understand it, that he invested as much as $860,000 USD into IBOM and has not received as much as a penny in return. He reports to have documents in hand that prove the King, IBOM and all of the team to be scammers who also got scammed by one Canadian, Roger Renaud.
Brand is a founder of the ICC and reports that he is working closely with the King and IBOM to bring their promises to fruition. Brand has always treated me with respect and, to my perception, honesty and integrity. I have found Brand to be very direct, blunt and at times a bit more "earthy" in his language than I would wish. If he is snowing me he is doing it in a way that has not cost me anything, so I wonder.
Here is a portion of a Q&A dialogue exchange they cc'd to me via email. It begins with Mace responding in blue text to Brand 's questions from a past email in black print; Then we have Brand 's responses in red text :
I am answering your questions (below), copying our friend CAM and waiting for you to answer mine as promised.
Where did you get those documents?
King and his allies were aware I got most of the documents from Roger
himself. R R tried his charming scams and wanted to defraud us again. We
were in exploring mission with him. Hasn't the King and his fraud
allies told you
about that issue? I went to EU head office to confirm the files. The
files were fraud.
investigated along with the EU, the German government, Interpol, the
Canadian government and the US government and found the same thing.
What have you lost of
date using IBOM?
lost at least 860,000.00 USD. We lost our credibility and reputation
while introducing new clients to the fraud scam. we lost relationship
with past friends.
you give this directly to the King, Ben Young or me? No you gave this
to rr. Even though I am sorry you were hoodwinked by him I can not pay
back because the King, Ben Young nor I saw one sue of that money nor
did we ask for you to give the King any money. If you are a card
carrying member of the ICC you may recoup your losses by evoking 7070.
If you do not know what that is ask Cam.
Do you have an account with IBOM?
Yes, if you consider an account with a
non-existent bank a real account.
Do you consider yourself alive or the figment of God's imagination? I know that IBOM exist as I assume you know you do.
Have you read the Bougainville Constitutional International Banking Law as posted on
I thought it was well written for a non-existent nation that isn't even
on the UN list of existing nations and the bulk of the populace does
not recognize Musingku as the legitimate government.
people of Bougainville Island, as well as 125 other indigenous people
nations, believe they are an independent and that the King is one of the
sovereign leaders if not the sovereign leader of Bougainville Island.
That is what the [2015] referendum will determine. They do not understand how
ignorant fu@#rs like you don't think so too.
Do you agree with the BVK White Paper?
No. The nation and the bank must exist before the white papers provisions can have effect in the economy.
for 30,000 years Bougainville Island has been inhabited by the
Aboriginal people (first people) but one could say it did not belong to
them because some governing body like the UN said they were too naive
and child like to manage their own affairs. The big countries of the
world wanted the riches that lie underneath the ground of Bougainville
so they took away their right to choose. Are you someone who spent money
(860k) to help the people of Bougainville or you another one of the
greedy f^@#s who wants to herd all the naive child-like natives up and
ship them from paradise to the desert of Australia. That is what Rio
Tinto, PNG, and the Australian government tried to do.
The CBOB was Roger Renaud's brain fart not the King's. just to keep the record straight.
If you say so, then ibom was Musingku's brain fart, Ben Young's brain fart and also RANDY Henderson's brain fart.
Ben Young ... can[not] take credit for IBOM. It was first the local bank
of the King and became an International Virtual Bank dealing in only BVK
and any bank associated with rr is a fraud and a sham. Tell all your
friends to stay away from it and use lots of soap and wash carefully if
they have come in contact with CBOB or
Now it is your turn and our friend CAM can be the witness.
hope Cam also witnessed how pathetically stupid you are and how big a
greedy f^@# you are but don't loose heart we have a cure for stupid it
is called 7070.
Being a greedy f^@# only god can help you with that.
God Bless
So, the dialogue had ended somewhat except Mace is convinced that Brand is also a scammer and a fraud, a liar to me and everyone else regarding IBOM.
The process Brand referred to called "7070" is a process offered by ICC to members who feel they have been ripped off by another Member. The damaged member can apply to ICC for restitution of the loss. IF ICC AGREES they will give to the damaged member an in-club currency called "CHIPS",
“CHIPS” is an acronym for “Commercial High Increase Protection Savings Points”, similar, they say, to "airline saving miles". These CHIPS can be exchanged with another ICC member for either product the damaged member may want or currency of the member's choice, according to their mutual agreement. The trouble is finding another member who actually has anything worth trading for the CHIPS.
Mace might apply to ICC for $860,000 CHIPS and ICC might gift them to Mace. After that Mace has to find another ICC member with whom to trade. It might work out.
Mace might apply to ICC for $860,000 CHIPS and ICC might gift them to Mace. After that Mace has to find another ICC member with whom to trade. It might work out.
Not having the documents that
Mace says he has that proves IBOM and King Peii II (Musingku) to be the frauds that PNG declare them to be, and not having the personal relationships with ICC founders and IBOM founders that Brand states he has, I am too ignorant of facts to make any declarations.

All I can do is spout that each land should have independence according to the will of the people and they should have the right to have their own stable currency backed by the wealth of their land. I can also ask questions and invite participation.
Also, having an IBOM account and ownership of a large amount of Bougainville Kina, I can declare that I hope they will be useable, legal tender with which to fund profitable businesses on island and off island.
So, there we have it.
I'll keep you posted.
Cameron Cv
Monday, January 20, 2014
What Does the Future Hold for Bougainville, for IBOM, for BVK?
I received an email from "Mace" today in response to my last blog. Here is a part of his response:
My reply to Mace is below, perhaps only partially answering the issues of fraud he brings up:
RR thought he would go in and scam the IBOM scammers and he did perpetrate a scam that cost IBOM millions of dollars, it would seem. But is IBOM truly a scam or it is a legitimate project that is being held up from succeeding by the efforts of government usurpers who want to control the Bougainville government and the island for their own profit? PNG controls the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the B'ville utilities, the virtually non-existent B'ville military, the banks, the currency, the land. Why? Are the people of B'ville too stupid to rule themselves now?
I do believe Bougainville should be an independent nation in its own right and with its own curency. Each land and people have that right. That is my belief.
Mace also wrote:
You promised to enter the dialogue (Q & A) between me and Rand into the blog. Where is that?
I will post your dialogue with Rand, as you wish, in my next post.
As for your $860K, I gather it was "invested" in an IBOM high yield account without RR's assistance. Did you get involved with ICC first who led you to IBOM? That is what happened to me.
Now ICC promises, for example, 70% discounts on any purchase by means of some sort of profitable transaction that is funded by the purchase of ICC Tickets-USD worth 30% of the cost of the product you want to purchase, for example a $35,000 vehicle. The 30% ($10,500USD) is deposited in an account in a Fides bank in Mexico (www.Fides.com.mx) and is used, as I understand it, by some professional trader(s) to create profits that pay for the car and, I imagine, much more that the trader(s) keep for themselves. They get free money to trade with and you get a 35,000 vehicle for $10,500.
Is this for real? Does it work? ICC says it does. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has done it, but then I haven't asked. It sounds like it could work if the professional traders are successful and don't lose the $10,500.
Back to Bougainville, It also sounds like the King could use the un-mined, but proven to be there, wealth of the land to support and back the BVK that the King is printing and spreading around Bougainville from his little wooden building with "International Bank Of Meekamui" printed on the sign over the door. Why couldn't he? All other nations use air to back their fiat currencies, don't they? Air and taxes on future production and profits. That is what back fiat currencies. Why can't Bougainville back their currency with gold to be mined and smelted in the future then purchased with BVK? Why not?
"Alluvial gold". That is what the king and IBOM are claiming is backing the BVK and there are millions of trillions of BVK worth of alluvial "gold in them thar hills". This is the claim of the King and it would seem he is right. Otherwise why would Rio Tinto and PNG and Australia be so interested in re-opening Panguna mine for themselves?
Why should PNG control Bougainville government and their use of the land and the creation of their own currency? Why should England have control over the Americas or India or Hong Kong as they did? No, each land should be independent, according to the true and just desires of the people, even if only 30% of the people actually express their desires, with the rest being too lazy to go out to vote. You know how it is.
You know, with the way national governments are scamming the people through their legal national and international banks that print phony money that USED TO BE backed by gold and silver, I can't see but that those banks want to squash any bank that actually offers to back their currencies with gold. It makes the fiat banks look like what they are -- looters and thieves. History has proven time and again how fiat money robs the middle class and the poor especially, but also the middle rich lose their wealth because of the inflation and taxes.
Finally the currency dies and has to be replaced and only those who own real wealth come out ahead. People who trusted the banks and the promises of the debt-ridden government lose everything and have to begin again from scratch. And scratching for a living on the "Road of Hard Knocks" is exceptionally difficult. If the currency had been backed by gold and silver the people holding the paper currency could trade it in for real wealth -- gold, silver -- and begin again from there. We all know this is why currencies should be backed by real wealth and not just air and future taxes.
So! The question remains: will IBOM be successful in establishing BVK as an accepted economic basis of wealth in Bougainville and therefore also with other nations who do business with B'ville business people? If off-island banks and businesses can trust that BVK is truly backed by real wealth such as precious metals and marketable products, BVK will be an accepted currency around the world. I am told that is exactly what the King and IBOM are trying to establish.
Some other questions are: how will this be accomplished and who will help them succeed in their quest?
Answers to those questions seem to me to be: A) it will be accomplished by the people working to produce marketable goods and services and be willing to be paid in BVK; B) the people who will help IBOM succeed will be business people, laborers and bankers, both on-island and off-island. If PNG had, for example, declared that BVK was accepted as legal tender in their economy a large step would have been made toward increasing the strength of both PNG and B'ville economies. People like you and me who are holding huge amounts of BVK could have hired thousands of PNG laborers to complete hundreds of projects that would benefit millions of people.
Instead of pushing economies forward, PNG put the clamps on the chains that hold their own economy down by declaring that BVK are illegal within PNG boundaries. In the opinion of this writer PNG's decision and actions are foolish, damaging and constitute a crying shame, an absolute crying shame!
If Bougainville is successful in declaring and establishing its independence it will succeed in establishing its currency. If the people will continue to live by a God-based morality in their homes and their businesses, abiding by the 10 Commandments and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament, the nation will prosper and thrive. They will live by proven sound, true and just principles and most likely they will demand their governors to abide by those same principles. In these principles true abundance and liberty abide and wealthy prosperity abounds. History has proven this time and time again.
This is my hope for Bougainville as well as for the Americas, the European Union, India, Pakistan and all the -stans, all of Asia and the Pacific Isles, indeed, it is my hope and prayer for all the peoples of the earth.
And I am still hoping for a business partner with whom to use my BVK in a profitable business enterprise.
I'll keep you posted.

am disappointed. I read the last post. You are still going over and
over the same old story. It is clear, for me, that you still believe in
RAND and his stories.
There is also one incorrect item in
your post. You mentioned that RR defrauded us in 840,000.000. That is
not true. RR never defrauded us. RR was not there in the scene at that
time. RR simply found out about ibom fraud and decided to defraud the
ibom fraud MASTERS, and he did. That is the truth. They are now making
RR their scape goat.
RR thought he would go in and scam the IBOM scammers and he did perpetrate a scam that cost IBOM millions of dollars, it would seem. But is IBOM truly a scam or it is a legitimate project that is being held up from succeeding by the efforts of government usurpers who want to control the Bougainville government and the island for their own profit? PNG controls the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the B'ville utilities, the virtually non-existent B'ville military, the banks, the currency, the land. Why? Are the people of B'ville too stupid to rule themselves now?
I do believe Bougainville should be an independent nation in its own right and with its own curency. Each land and people have that right. That is my belief.
Mace also wrote:
You promised to enter the dialogue (Q & A) between me and Rand into the blog. Where is that?
I will post your dialogue with Rand, as you wish, in my next post.
As for your $860K, I gather it was "invested" in an IBOM high yield account without RR's assistance. Did you get involved with ICC first who led you to IBOM? That is what happened to me.
Now ICC promises, for example, 70% discounts on any purchase by means of some sort of profitable transaction that is funded by the purchase of ICC Tickets-USD worth 30% of the cost of the product you want to purchase, for example a $35,000 vehicle. The 30% ($10,500USD) is deposited in an account in a Fides bank in Mexico (www.Fides.com.mx) and is used, as I understand it, by some professional trader(s) to create profits that pay for the car and, I imagine, much more that the trader(s) keep for themselves. They get free money to trade with and you get a 35,000 vehicle for $10,500.
Is this for real? Does it work? ICC says it does. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has done it, but then I haven't asked. It sounds like it could work if the professional traders are successful and don't lose the $10,500.
Back to Bougainville, It also sounds like the King could use the un-mined, but proven to be there, wealth of the land to support and back the BVK that the King is printing and spreading around Bougainville from his little wooden building with "International Bank Of Meekamui" printed on the sign over the door. Why couldn't he? All other nations use air to back their fiat currencies, don't they? Air and taxes on future production and profits. That is what back fiat currencies. Why can't Bougainville back their currency with gold to be mined and smelted in the future then purchased with BVK? Why not?
"Alluvial gold". That is what the king and IBOM are claiming is backing the BVK and there are millions of trillions of BVK worth of alluvial "gold in them thar hills". This is the claim of the King and it would seem he is right. Otherwise why would Rio Tinto and PNG and Australia be so interested in re-opening Panguna mine for themselves?
Why should PNG control Bougainville government and their use of the land and the creation of their own currency? Why should England have control over the Americas or India or Hong Kong as they did? No, each land should be independent, according to the true and just desires of the people, even if only 30% of the people actually express their desires, with the rest being too lazy to go out to vote. You know how it is.
You know, with the way national governments are scamming the people through their legal national and international banks that print phony money that USED TO BE backed by gold and silver, I can't see but that those banks want to squash any bank that actually offers to back their currencies with gold. It makes the fiat banks look like what they are -- looters and thieves. History has proven time and again how fiat money robs the middle class and the poor especially, but also the middle rich lose their wealth because of the inflation and taxes.
Finally the currency dies and has to be replaced and only those who own real wealth come out ahead. People who trusted the banks and the promises of the debt-ridden government lose everything and have to begin again from scratch. And scratching for a living on the "Road of Hard Knocks" is exceptionally difficult. If the currency had been backed by gold and silver the people holding the paper currency could trade it in for real wealth -- gold, silver -- and begin again from there. We all know this is why currencies should be backed by real wealth and not just air and future taxes.
So! The question remains: will IBOM be successful in establishing BVK as an accepted economic basis of wealth in Bougainville and therefore also with other nations who do business with B'ville business people? If off-island banks and businesses can trust that BVK is truly backed by real wealth such as precious metals and marketable products, BVK will be an accepted currency around the world. I am told that is exactly what the King and IBOM are trying to establish.
Some other questions are: how will this be accomplished and who will help them succeed in their quest?
Answers to those questions seem to me to be: A) it will be accomplished by the people working to produce marketable goods and services and be willing to be paid in BVK; B) the people who will help IBOM succeed will be business people, laborers and bankers, both on-island and off-island. If PNG had, for example, declared that BVK was accepted as legal tender in their economy a large step would have been made toward increasing the strength of both PNG and B'ville economies. People like you and me who are holding huge amounts of BVK could have hired thousands of PNG laborers to complete hundreds of projects that would benefit millions of people.
Instead of pushing economies forward, PNG put the clamps on the chains that hold their own economy down by declaring that BVK are illegal within PNG boundaries. In the opinion of this writer PNG's decision and actions are foolish, damaging and constitute a crying shame, an absolute crying shame!
If Bougainville is successful in declaring and establishing its independence it will succeed in establishing its currency. If the people will continue to live by a God-based morality in their homes and their businesses, abiding by the 10 Commandments and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament, the nation will prosper and thrive. They will live by proven sound, true and just principles and most likely they will demand their governors to abide by those same principles. In these principles true abundance and liberty abide and wealthy prosperity abounds. History has proven this time and time again.
This is my hope for Bougainville as well as for the Americas, the European Union, India, Pakistan and all the -stans, all of Asia and the Pacific Isles, indeed, it is my hope and prayer for all the peoples of the earth.
And I am still hoping for a business partner with whom to use my BVK in a profitable business enterprise.
I'll keep you posted.
Bank of Bougainville,
Bank of Meekamui,
Bougainville independence,
Bougainville Kina,
business partnership opportunity,
money scams. fiat money,
Proof of the B'ville Kina
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The Bank and the Scam
Let me start this blog entry by asking you to "Like" or otherwise share this blog with others. My purpose is to support freedom and liberty wherever I perceive it to be struggling to take hold on the earth.
I have had an account with IBOM for exactly 3 years now, since Jan. 16, 2011.
I opened the account with a minimal amount of USD and two large Uniform Advertising Promissory Notes (UAPN) from some transactions I did through the Internet Commerce Club (ICC). I was allowed to place all in a high yield interest bearing account and the amount grew into HUGE number of BVK, literally billions. I discovered that if I earned no more interest (which the account is not earning due to my writings in this blog) and I was able to withdraw $250,000/month to convert to USD of whatever amount, I'd have over 114,000 YEARS worth of withdrawals. Perhaps I should withdraw $250 million /month. But what do you actually DO with that kind of money?
Certainly you want to grow it in some way, not just spend it. I'd have to live forever, or teach my 9 children very well how to grow money and do great good with it.
But I am not the center of discussion here. THAT belongs to the Bank and the Scam.
I have an e-Associate who wrote to me recently that he and some of his friends have lost up to $840,000 through a scam that was perpetrated by Roger Renaud who was at the time the supposed Secretary of State of the island of Bougainville under King Peii II and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Bougainville (CBOB).
Roger Renaud, who lives in Chilliwack, BC Canada, somehow scammed the whole of the IBOM staff, apparently, taking with him several millions of USD and ripping off the Russians in the process. Another friend of mine, who I'll just call "Rand" for now, told me that after they caught wind of RR's scam, they checked him out via the EU, Interpol, the FBI and even the Canadian Mounties and proved RR to be false. So he is no longer the Secretary of State and CBOB is no longer a real thing. Investors who put their money into CBOB through RR lost their money. Plain and simple.
Is IBOM a scam, though? The International Bank of Meekamui was established long before RR came on the scene. It was established with money from long-time-ago investors and has been the founding creator of the BVK that now fills my account. My account was created long before RR came on the scene. RR's scam has nothing to do with the reality of IBOM and the hopeful project to establish the Island of Bougainville as an independent nation, not an appendage of PNG, and the Bougainville Kina as a legitimate, gold-backed international currency.
When I read of the 10 year war on Bougainville wherein the few freedom fighters drove off the African mercenaries hired by PNG, supported by Australia and they shut down the operations of the huge corporation, Rio Tinto, that ran the subsidiary company that ran the highly profitable Panguna mine that was destroying the local ecology and not helping the local economy much (Bougainville Islanders received a mere 1.6% of the profits mined from their land, only 1.6%!!) -- when I read of this and the subsequent declarations by PNG that Bougainville still is not allowed to be its own independent nation with its own currency backed by its own national wealth (that Rio Tinto and PNG want to mine and remove for their own profit) -- I get disgusted and irritated that the UN, the USA and every other freedom-loving nation DO NOT rise up in defense and support of this little king and nation who are striving to establish governmental, economic and personal liberty for this land and this people.
Surely the king and his team are going about it the right way. King Peii II is not, it seems, taking his armed forces and attacking the unarmed Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG - established by the very forces that hired the mercenary attackers) to establish his kingdom by force. He is working with them to bring the choice to the people by a referendum a year away in 2015. He is also working to establish a stable, gold-backed currency by which he can build a strong, stable economy based upon commerce fueled by the liquidity of the BVK. This currency is literally the wealth of the land -- the gold, silver, copper, platinum and other minerals -- made liquid and useable by the people.
The land is always owned by the government in every nation. In Bougainville, however, the currency is backed by the wealth of the land rather than the taxes of the people so the wealth is not a debt to be paid by the people but it is wealth to be accumulated by the people. This seems to be a good thing that should be supported.
Instead it is criticized and called "illegal" by the very nations and people that hired the guns that killed 20,000 Bougainvillian citizens.The Bougainville Revolutionary Army is still at war, it seems, although the weapons have changed. Now, instead of bullets and military strategies it has been words and ballots, accusations and political strategies. I wonder who will ultimately win this war?
I just wonder because if the King wins I will be billions of BVK richer. If PNG, Australia and Rio Tinto win this war I will join thousands of others who will lose entire investments. I a certain some people placed millions in their IBOM account to receive the promised yield. I'm sure they stand to lose hundreds upon hundreds of billions of BVK. Just think of the projects that could be planned and implemented, hiring hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, all paid in a gold/wealth-backed currency. That is a lot to lose because some high powered usurpers want the island of Bougainville for themselves.
I'm hoping the King and his people win. I believe they are working to get the currency circulating and proving itself. I hope the people go along with it as willingly as Americans go along with their bank's currency that they know is backed by nothing but their future earnings/taxes. Now what kind of backing is THAT? I ask you!
I am still looking for a person or company who will sell me product that I can import into my country, someone who will take payment in BVK. Who wants to sell something, at a fair price, for BVK?
If I can do business using the BVK in my IBOM account, oh, what a positive write up there will be in this blog. Truly the name will be appropriate. Financial hope will explode in the world because of the trillions of BVK, therefore Euros, USD, CDN, Aussie dollars, Yen and every other IBOM currency balance that has been expanded because of the investments made in IBOM.
The war for Bougainville independence must be won, though. If the King fails and PNG and Rio Tinto win that means the wealth of the island will be dug out and shipped away, removing the wealth that should back the economy of the island people. In the process the pristine island will be polluted, mucked up and destroyed in the mined area and everything downwind and downhill to the ocean. Bougainville needs its independence.
How, for example, would the island economy of PNG progress if they lost their independence to the Australians, the Canadians, Argentinians or any other -ians? No, PNG belongs to its own indigenous people. In like manner Bougainville belongs to the Bougainvillians and the wealth of their land belongs to them AND that ownership should be acknowledged by all the nations of the earth. That is only right.
With that said, I am looking to do business with some Bougainvillians. Anyone interested in doing a couple million or hundreds of million worth of business? Just contact me. My BVK are burning a hole in my bank account drawer.
I'll keep you posted.
God bless.
I have had an account with IBOM for exactly 3 years now, since Jan. 16, 2011.
I opened the account with a minimal amount of USD and two large Uniform Advertising Promissory Notes (UAPN) from some transactions I did through the Internet Commerce Club (ICC). I was allowed to place all in a high yield interest bearing account and the amount grew into HUGE number of BVK, literally billions. I discovered that if I earned no more interest (which the account is not earning due to my writings in this blog) and I was able to withdraw $250,000/month to convert to USD of whatever amount, I'd have over 114,000 YEARS worth of withdrawals. Perhaps I should withdraw $250 million /month. But what do you actually DO with that kind of money?
Certainly you want to grow it in some way, not just spend it. I'd have to live forever, or teach my 9 children very well how to grow money and do great good with it.
But I am not the center of discussion here. THAT belongs to the Bank and the Scam.
I have an e-Associate who wrote to me recently that he and some of his friends have lost up to $840,000 through a scam that was perpetrated by Roger Renaud who was at the time the supposed Secretary of State of the island of Bougainville under King Peii II and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Bougainville (CBOB).
Roger Renaud, who lives in Chilliwack, BC Canada, somehow scammed the whole of the IBOM staff, apparently, taking with him several millions of USD and ripping off the Russians in the process. Another friend of mine, who I'll just call "Rand" for now, told me that after they caught wind of RR's scam, they checked him out via the EU, Interpol, the FBI and even the Canadian Mounties and proved RR to be false. So he is no longer the Secretary of State and CBOB is no longer a real thing. Investors who put their money into CBOB through RR lost their money. Plain and simple.
Is IBOM a scam, though? The International Bank of Meekamui was established long before RR came on the scene. It was established with money from long-time-ago investors and has been the founding creator of the BVK that now fills my account. My account was created long before RR came on the scene. RR's scam has nothing to do with the reality of IBOM and the hopeful project to establish the Island of Bougainville as an independent nation, not an appendage of PNG, and the Bougainville Kina as a legitimate, gold-backed international currency.
When I read of the 10 year war on Bougainville wherein the few freedom fighters drove off the African mercenaries hired by PNG, supported by Australia and they shut down the operations of the huge corporation, Rio Tinto, that ran the subsidiary company that ran the highly profitable Panguna mine that was destroying the local ecology and not helping the local economy much (Bougainville Islanders received a mere 1.6% of the profits mined from their land, only 1.6%!!) -- when I read of this and the subsequent declarations by PNG that Bougainville still is not allowed to be its own independent nation with its own currency backed by its own national wealth (that Rio Tinto and PNG want to mine and remove for their own profit) -- I get disgusted and irritated that the UN, the USA and every other freedom-loving nation DO NOT rise up in defense and support of this little king and nation who are striving to establish governmental, economic and personal liberty for this land and this people.
Surely the king and his team are going about it the right way. King Peii II is not, it seems, taking his armed forces and attacking the unarmed Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG - established by the very forces that hired the mercenary attackers) to establish his kingdom by force. He is working with them to bring the choice to the people by a referendum a year away in 2015. He is also working to establish a stable, gold-backed currency by which he can build a strong, stable economy based upon commerce fueled by the liquidity of the BVK. This currency is literally the wealth of the land -- the gold, silver, copper, platinum and other minerals -- made liquid and useable by the people.
The land is always owned by the government in every nation. In Bougainville, however, the currency is backed by the wealth of the land rather than the taxes of the people so the wealth is not a debt to be paid by the people but it is wealth to be accumulated by the people. This seems to be a good thing that should be supported.
Instead it is criticized and called "illegal" by the very nations and people that hired the guns that killed 20,000 Bougainvillian citizens.The Bougainville Revolutionary Army is still at war, it seems, although the weapons have changed. Now, instead of bullets and military strategies it has been words and ballots, accusations and political strategies. I wonder who will ultimately win this war?
I just wonder because if the King wins I will be billions of BVK richer. If PNG, Australia and Rio Tinto win this war I will join thousands of others who will lose entire investments. I a certain some people placed millions in their IBOM account to receive the promised yield. I'm sure they stand to lose hundreds upon hundreds of billions of BVK. Just think of the projects that could be planned and implemented, hiring hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, all paid in a gold/wealth-backed currency. That is a lot to lose because some high powered usurpers want the island of Bougainville for themselves.
I'm hoping the King and his people win. I believe they are working to get the currency circulating and proving itself. I hope the people go along with it as willingly as Americans go along with their bank's currency that they know is backed by nothing but their future earnings/taxes. Now what kind of backing is THAT? I ask you!
I am still looking for a person or company who will sell me product that I can import into my country, someone who will take payment in BVK. Who wants to sell something, at a fair price, for BVK?
If I can do business using the BVK in my IBOM account, oh, what a positive write up there will be in this blog. Truly the name will be appropriate. Financial hope will explode in the world because of the trillions of BVK, therefore Euros, USD, CDN, Aussie dollars, Yen and every other IBOM currency balance that has been expanded because of the investments made in IBOM.
The war for Bougainville independence must be won, though. If the King fails and PNG and Rio Tinto win that means the wealth of the island will be dug out and shipped away, removing the wealth that should back the economy of the island people. In the process the pristine island will be polluted, mucked up and destroyed in the mined area and everything downwind and downhill to the ocean. Bougainville needs its independence.
How, for example, would the island economy of PNG progress if they lost their independence to the Australians, the Canadians, Argentinians or any other -ians? No, PNG belongs to its own indigenous people. In like manner Bougainville belongs to the Bougainvillians and the wealth of their land belongs to them AND that ownership should be acknowledged by all the nations of the earth. That is only right.
With that said, I am looking to do business with some Bougainvillians. Anyone interested in doing a couple million or hundreds of million worth of business? Just contact me. My BVK are burning a hole in my bank account drawer.
I'll keep you posted.
God bless.
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