I received an email from "Mace" today in response to my last blog. Here is a part of his response:
My reply to Mace is below, perhaps only partially answering the issues of fraud he brings up:
RR thought he would go in and scam the IBOM scammers and he did perpetrate a scam that cost IBOM millions of dollars, it would seem. But is IBOM truly a scam or it is a legitimate project that is being held up from succeeding by the efforts of government usurpers who want to control the Bougainville government and the island for their own profit? PNG controls the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the B'ville utilities, the virtually non-existent B'ville military, the banks, the currency, the land. Why? Are the people of B'ville too stupid to rule themselves now?
I do believe Bougainville should be an independent nation in its own right and with its own curency. Each land and people have that right. That is my belief.
Mace also wrote:
You promised to enter the dialogue (Q & A) between me and Rand into the blog. Where is that?
I will post your dialogue with Rand, as you wish, in my next post.
As for your $860K, I gather it was "invested" in an IBOM high yield account without RR's assistance. Did you get involved with ICC first who led you to IBOM? That is what happened to me.
Now ICC promises, for example, 70% discounts on any purchase by means of some sort of profitable transaction that is funded by the purchase of ICC Tickets-USD worth 30% of the cost of the product you want to purchase, for example a $35,000 vehicle. The 30% ($10,500USD) is deposited in an account in a Fides bank in Mexico (www.Fides.com.mx) and is used, as I understand it, by some professional trader(s) to create profits that pay for the car and, I imagine, much more that the trader(s) keep for themselves. They get free money to trade with and you get a 35,000 vehicle for $10,500.
Is this for real? Does it work? ICC says it does. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has done it, but then I haven't asked. It sounds like it could work if the professional traders are successful and don't lose the $10,500.
Back to Bougainville, It also sounds like the King could use the un-mined, but proven to be there, wealth of the land to support and back the BVK that the King is printing and spreading around Bougainville from his little wooden building with "International Bank Of Meekamui" printed on the sign over the door. Why couldn't he? All other nations use air to back their fiat currencies, don't they? Air and taxes on future production and profits. That is what back fiat currencies. Why can't Bougainville back their currency with gold to be mined and smelted in the future then purchased with BVK? Why not?
"Alluvial gold". That is what the king and IBOM are claiming is backing the BVK and there are millions of trillions of BVK worth of alluvial "gold in them thar hills". This is the claim of the King and it would seem he is right. Otherwise why would Rio Tinto and PNG and Australia be so interested in re-opening Panguna mine for themselves?
Why should PNG control Bougainville government and their use of the land and the creation of their own currency? Why should England have control over the Americas or India or Hong Kong as they did? No, each land should be independent, according to the true and just desires of the people, even if only 30% of the people actually express their desires, with the rest being too lazy to go out to vote. You know how it is.
You know, with the way national governments are scamming the people through their legal national and international banks that print phony money that USED TO BE backed by gold and silver, I can't see but that those banks want to squash any bank that actually offers to back their currencies with gold. It makes the fiat banks look like what they are -- looters and thieves. History has proven time and again how fiat money robs the middle class and the poor especially, but also the middle rich lose their wealth because of the inflation and taxes.
Finally the currency dies and has to be replaced and only those who own real wealth come out ahead. People who trusted the banks and the promises of the debt-ridden government lose everything and have to begin again from scratch. And scratching for a living on the "Road of Hard Knocks" is exceptionally difficult. If the currency had been backed by gold and silver the people holding the paper currency could trade it in for real wealth -- gold, silver -- and begin again from there. We all know this is why currencies should be backed by real wealth and not just air and future taxes.
So! The question remains: will IBOM be successful in establishing BVK as an accepted economic basis of wealth in Bougainville and therefore also with other nations who do business with B'ville business people? If off-island banks and businesses can trust that BVK is truly backed by real wealth such as precious metals and marketable products, BVK will be an accepted currency around the world. I am told that is exactly what the King and IBOM are trying to establish.
Some other questions are: how will this be accomplished and who will help them succeed in their quest?
Answers to those questions seem to me to be: A) it will be accomplished by the people working to produce marketable goods and services and be willing to be paid in BVK; B) the people who will help IBOM succeed will be business people, laborers and bankers, both on-island and off-island. If PNG had, for example, declared that BVK was accepted as legal tender in their economy a large step would have been made toward increasing the strength of both PNG and B'ville economies. People like you and me who are holding huge amounts of BVK could have hired thousands of PNG laborers to complete hundreds of projects that would benefit millions of people.
Instead of pushing economies forward, PNG put the clamps on the chains that hold their own economy down by declaring that BVK are illegal within PNG boundaries. In the opinion of this writer PNG's decision and actions are foolish, damaging and constitute a crying shame, an absolute crying shame!
If Bougainville is successful in declaring and establishing its independence it will succeed in establishing its currency. If the people will continue to live by a God-based morality in their homes and their businesses, abiding by the 10 Commandments and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament, the nation will prosper and thrive. They will live by proven sound, true and just principles and most likely they will demand their governors to abide by those same principles. In these principles true abundance and liberty abide and wealthy prosperity abounds. History has proven this time and time again.
This is my hope for Bougainville as well as for the Americas, the European Union, India, Pakistan and all the -stans, all of Asia and the Pacific Isles, indeed, it is my hope and prayer for all the peoples of the earth.
And I am still hoping for a business partner with whom to use my BVK in a profitable business enterprise.
I'll keep you posted.

am disappointed. I read the last post. You are still going over and
over the same old story. It is clear, for me, that you still believe in
RAND and his stories.
There is also one incorrect item in
your post. You mentioned that RR defrauded us in 840,000.000. That is
not true. RR never defrauded us. RR was not there in the scene at that
time. RR simply found out about ibom fraud and decided to defraud the
ibom fraud MASTERS, and he did. That is the truth. They are now making
RR their scape goat.
RR thought he would go in and scam the IBOM scammers and he did perpetrate a scam that cost IBOM millions of dollars, it would seem. But is IBOM truly a scam or it is a legitimate project that is being held up from succeeding by the efforts of government usurpers who want to control the Bougainville government and the island for their own profit? PNG controls the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the B'ville utilities, the virtually non-existent B'ville military, the banks, the currency, the land. Why? Are the people of B'ville too stupid to rule themselves now?
I do believe Bougainville should be an independent nation in its own right and with its own curency. Each land and people have that right. That is my belief.
Mace also wrote:
You promised to enter the dialogue (Q & A) between me and Rand into the blog. Where is that?
I will post your dialogue with Rand, as you wish, in my next post.
As for your $860K, I gather it was "invested" in an IBOM high yield account without RR's assistance. Did you get involved with ICC first who led you to IBOM? That is what happened to me.
Now ICC promises, for example, 70% discounts on any purchase by means of some sort of profitable transaction that is funded by the purchase of ICC Tickets-USD worth 30% of the cost of the product you want to purchase, for example a $35,000 vehicle. The 30% ($10,500USD) is deposited in an account in a Fides bank in Mexico (www.Fides.com.mx) and is used, as I understand it, by some professional trader(s) to create profits that pay for the car and, I imagine, much more that the trader(s) keep for themselves. They get free money to trade with and you get a 35,000 vehicle for $10,500.
Is this for real? Does it work? ICC says it does. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has done it, but then I haven't asked. It sounds like it could work if the professional traders are successful and don't lose the $10,500.
Back to Bougainville, It also sounds like the King could use the un-mined, but proven to be there, wealth of the land to support and back the BVK that the King is printing and spreading around Bougainville from his little wooden building with "International Bank Of Meekamui" printed on the sign over the door. Why couldn't he? All other nations use air to back their fiat currencies, don't they? Air and taxes on future production and profits. That is what back fiat currencies. Why can't Bougainville back their currency with gold to be mined and smelted in the future then purchased with BVK? Why not?
"Alluvial gold". That is what the king and IBOM are claiming is backing the BVK and there are millions of trillions of BVK worth of alluvial "gold in them thar hills". This is the claim of the King and it would seem he is right. Otherwise why would Rio Tinto and PNG and Australia be so interested in re-opening Panguna mine for themselves?
Why should PNG control Bougainville government and their use of the land and the creation of their own currency? Why should England have control over the Americas or India or Hong Kong as they did? No, each land should be independent, according to the true and just desires of the people, even if only 30% of the people actually express their desires, with the rest being too lazy to go out to vote. You know how it is.
You know, with the way national governments are scamming the people through their legal national and international banks that print phony money that USED TO BE backed by gold and silver, I can't see but that those banks want to squash any bank that actually offers to back their currencies with gold. It makes the fiat banks look like what they are -- looters and thieves. History has proven time and again how fiat money robs the middle class and the poor especially, but also the middle rich lose their wealth because of the inflation and taxes.
Finally the currency dies and has to be replaced and only those who own real wealth come out ahead. People who trusted the banks and the promises of the debt-ridden government lose everything and have to begin again from scratch. And scratching for a living on the "Road of Hard Knocks" is exceptionally difficult. If the currency had been backed by gold and silver the people holding the paper currency could trade it in for real wealth -- gold, silver -- and begin again from there. We all know this is why currencies should be backed by real wealth and not just air and future taxes.
So! The question remains: will IBOM be successful in establishing BVK as an accepted economic basis of wealth in Bougainville and therefore also with other nations who do business with B'ville business people? If off-island banks and businesses can trust that BVK is truly backed by real wealth such as precious metals and marketable products, BVK will be an accepted currency around the world. I am told that is exactly what the King and IBOM are trying to establish.
Some other questions are: how will this be accomplished and who will help them succeed in their quest?
Answers to those questions seem to me to be: A) it will be accomplished by the people working to produce marketable goods and services and be willing to be paid in BVK; B) the people who will help IBOM succeed will be business people, laborers and bankers, both on-island and off-island. If PNG had, for example, declared that BVK was accepted as legal tender in their economy a large step would have been made toward increasing the strength of both PNG and B'ville economies. People like you and me who are holding huge amounts of BVK could have hired thousands of PNG laborers to complete hundreds of projects that would benefit millions of people.
Instead of pushing economies forward, PNG put the clamps on the chains that hold their own economy down by declaring that BVK are illegal within PNG boundaries. In the opinion of this writer PNG's decision and actions are foolish, damaging and constitute a crying shame, an absolute crying shame!
If Bougainville is successful in declaring and establishing its independence it will succeed in establishing its currency. If the people will continue to live by a God-based morality in their homes and their businesses, abiding by the 10 Commandments and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament, the nation will prosper and thrive. They will live by proven sound, true and just principles and most likely they will demand their governors to abide by those same principles. In these principles true abundance and liberty abide and wealthy prosperity abounds. History has proven this time and time again.
This is my hope for Bougainville as well as for the Americas, the European Union, India, Pakistan and all the -stans, all of Asia and the Pacific Isles, indeed, it is my hope and prayer for all the peoples of the earth.
And I am still hoping for a business partner with whom to use my BVK in a profitable business enterprise.
I'll keep you posted.
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