Sunday, February 12, 2017

IBOM Bombed and is a total Loss to My Account

This is going to be brief. I have no interest to waste my time on something that is a total loss.

When IBOM changed it's structure, closed out its web page and my account I supposedly had in excess of three hundred eighty BILLION BVK in my account. I attempted to find anyone who knew how to convert any amount of BVK into any other form of currency, including copra, dried coconut, or smashed beer cans for that matter, anything that could ultimately be converted to US dollars that I could spend, all to no effect. Not a soul came forward. I offered several billion BVK as compensation. No one in the world wanted them.

If you or anyone you know is thinking of putting any money into the organization or any organization that has anything to do with the self-proclaimed King of Bougainville, Noah Musingku, under the name "King David Peii II", who proclaims himself as the head of the twin " kingdoms" of Papaala and Me'ekamui on Bougainville Island in the North Solomon Islands, I advise you to paddle your canoe out of his way. Let him live his life without your involvement.

Don't believe any promises of high interest or any other form of return. You won't get anything back, I don't care who is making the promises to you, if it is your Father, Mother, Pastor, Bishop or the Pope. You might be able to trust your Pope but you can't trust Musingku or King David Peii nor any one who is in his camp, even the Pope. Why? Because you can't trust Musingku.

That is my opinion and the opinion of thousands of people who trusted him and lost everything they put into his schemes, except of course those who work with him and suck off the people who put their money into his schemes. Don't put your milk (money) into his udder, He'll milk you dry, feed his helpers with your milk and you won't get any return. Bad metaphor, I know, but I don't want to hear of any more of you getting drained dry. I've heard of people losing tens of thousands of dollars and no one able to get any return nor even able to get anyone to make any moves toward bringing Musingku's team to justice. They just keep rooting around the internet for more willing "investors". No one I've heard of got any money back, not to mention interest growth.

Don't invest with the King Peii. He'll Peii all over you and walk away laughing.

Please check back later. It is the Sabbath right now and I'm going to Services.
Happy Sabbath.
God bless you.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. hello there have you never heard about SPURT digital money and about Schoots-Hoddenbagh, Irene ?
    She is owner of New Chances company in Switzerland , that is managing SoundProsperity. They propone spurt currency and Hedcoin on the website . does she is a scammer?
    thanks for your reply

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