Friday, November 9, 2012



The last bastion of liberty on earth is about to be cast down by the subversive communist factions. For all of my and my parents' lives we have watched American liberties being attacked, demeaned, reversed. 

Communism has become the desire of the people because they, the people, want the State to take care of them. The people do not understand the history of communism and socialism throughout history.

Please watch this video

We must become educated and motivated to uphold the US Constitution that was inspired by God. 

Please watch this video

Then prepare yourself and your family to strongly support and defend your rights to worship God, retain your property and what you build or grow and protect your family.

Prepare for the final attack on your liberty.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is Capitalism for REAL??

For a brief explanation of why I was "Singing" praises of the glories of capitalism, please see my other blog:

Monday, March 26, 2012

As I Learn I will Share - Multi-Generational Family Wealth Development.

I have not been a Family Financial Planner for very long. Some of the experiences I've learned, however, even in this short period of time have led me to believe I can help people by changing the "trajectory" of your thinking.

What do I mean by that? Simple. Trajectory is the angle upward or downward that a missile is fired, be it a bee-bee or stone from a slingshot or a bullet from a rifle or a long range ballistic rocket missile. Aim higher for a target longer away, aim straight forward for a short shot. When raising the trajectory in financial planning you set your sights on preparing to financially benefit your grand-children and great-great-grandchildren instead of just yourself and your own children or yourself and your parents.

Just as planning to be of benefit to your parents who may have not had the opportunities for, say, education that you may have had (they may have sacrificed all in order to send you to college) is a very good and admirable thing to do, setting your sights on preparing your estate to bless the lives of your more distant posterity is also a very good thing. Because it is easier to envision helping your parents and children because they are with you now, you may think something like, "I can't even wrap my thinking around how to plan for my great-great-grandchildren!" Don't worry. This is why I am writing: to help you see and understand what that map looks like and what steps are required to traverse the immediate roadway.

There are some things to consider when thinking about Multi-Generational Family Wealth Development - MG-FWD - that will likely be new, very new to you.
First, you must be prepared to talk about wealth creation with your children in the same way you will talk about driving and maintaining your vehicles. There is no mystery or secret to driving a car and auto-mechanics. It just takes education and practice and being safety minded.
Second, just as you can have more than one car at a time. In like manner you can have more than one financial "vehicle" that you are teaching your children to "drive" and maintain from their very young ages.
Third, It isn't being "sinful" in any way whatsoever to teach children how to use the various financial tools we call "Assets". Taking the "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (Robert Kiyosaki) definition of  asset as anything that puts money into your pocket, teaching children how to accumulate assets so they will have more tools (cash in the bank) with which to do good is a very good thing.

Teaching children to associate money in all of its different forms with being of service to mankind (including immediate family, neighbors and community) will create in your family the greatest of all possible assets: creative, generous, benevolent business people who have also been taught how to duplicate themselves. Who taught them? You.

These are three of the first steps along the roadway of Multi-Generational Family Wealth Development - MG-FWD - a roadway that spans not just generations but often times centuries! These are families that, because of a culture of  educating their youth in the ways of benevolent wealth creation and maintenance, have amassed the resources over time to do great good such as begin and support colleges, universities, hospitals and other excellent people-serving organizations. They also, of course, establish people-serving businesses that employ hundreds or thousands of people, giving them opportunities to support themselves. What better service can person-A give to person-B than to give an opportunity to work and support self and family? Without the service employers give to employees - the service of giving them a job - local and national and international economies fail.

Take a few moments right now to wrap your thinking around these few ideas. Consider teaching your children how to save money, not for a rainy day but for future wealth creation. Consider combining your religious doctrines, i.e. loving and serving God by loving and serving your fellow man, with principles of  serving by creating employment opportunities for others. Consider establishing a family culture of benevolent wealth creation that will bless not only your own children but also your grandchildren and your great-great-grandchildren.

In doing these few mental exercises you will raise your eyes to a target further down the time-line; your visionary trajectory will change which will change your immediate day-to-day activities. You will immediately begin to spend less and save more so that you can teach your children by example and show them the things you will be learning here on this blog.

Start here. Raise your eyes to see further down the road. Keep reading, not just this blog but here is a good place to start. As you grow you will develop greater vision and habits that will create results that will, in an amazingly short period of time, astound you.

Take these first three steps and you will soon - within 18 months - begin to see the effects of a Law that a very smart man, Albert Einstein, called "The 8th Wonder of the World": The Law of Compound Interest over Time.

My next report will explain what I call "The Teeter-Totter of Habit".
Sign up now to follow this blog.  You won't want to miss a single idea of Multi-Generational Family Wealth Development or MGFWD. I like to call it looking and going "MG-FWD = MEGA-FORWARD".
Let's take the trip together, A? (I'm from Canada, A? Can you tell?)

Sign up now.
I'll keep you posted.
God Bless.
Cameron Cv

Saturday, February 25, 2012

What Are "Contract Me" Voucher Benefits?

I believe there are millions of truly altruistic people in the world. I don't believe that "everyone has an angle" as some people claim. I believe it is often worth giving a person a chance to perform altruistically.  I have always believed in gathering info and testing it out. Why not? Whenever anyone shouted "It sounds too good to be true, RUN!", I have always leaned in for a closer look.
I am going to present to you an offer that many may find "Too Good to be True", but that I believe is worth examining.
"Contract Me" Vouchers
      By purchasing what are called "Contract Me" Vouchers, an employer, a company, a city or county or state or nation may be able to profit almost unimaginably: between 4,600% and 7,500% return. Don't scoff; read on.
       Here is how it works: A $2,000 (USD) "Contract Me" Voucher (CMV) will permit and contract the purchaser to perform a required amount of advertising service as a member of the Internet Catalog Club (ICC) and reap the equivalent of:
   a) $100,000 (USD) in a gold-backed currency ($1 = 4 BVK),
   b) $100,000 (USD) in ZCash Credits ($1 = 1 ZCash Credit);
   c) $50,000 (USD) in ICC "CHIPS" ($1 = 2 CHIPS)
Through the process called "OBTAINING CURRENCY OTHER THAN BVK" the employer may then convert the BVK into any other national currency and spend it!
      My calculations show that, with the cost of the current protocols of currency conversion ($1,200 USD) the employer's rate of return should be roughly 4,600%. WOW! We are hoping the need for the conversion protocols and costs will soon be unnecessary which brings the return up to the 7,500% level. That is amazing!
    An ICIB WORK CENTER helps to do this. Contact me personally for more information and I will put you in touch with an ICIB Work Center. (ICIB = Incredible Concepts Inc. Bahamas) I can also sponsor you into ICC. Contact me personally and I'll do my best to help you.

The Internet Catalog Club (ICC)
      Let me give you some background.
      The Internet Catalog Club (ICC) was established (1996) to aid and increase international commerce. ICC facilitates the utilization of club internet "currencies" called ZCash, ZCash Credits and CHIPS in order to literally give active, business conducting, ICC-member vendors more capital and greater commerce opportunity.
      The various ICC member organizations are, in all appearances, altruistic in the same way as Ray Crock who built the McDonald's Restaurant chain. Ray wanted to provide his customers the highest quality of hamburgers, potato french fries and drinks at the lowest price and still make a worthy profit for his franchise owners and his office staff and himself. I call that altruistic capitalistic free enterprise and it has proven to be a very good way to establish excellent international economic strength and security, if not the best way. This is my own opinion.
      In order to make the CMV program work, ICC needed an enterprising and very secure bank to work with. No failed or at risk banks, if you please, thank you.
      In searching for such a bank who would work in the way the ICIB leaders envisioned, one bank surfaced that seems to have what is required and that bank is the sovereign International Bank of Meekamui. (
      The gold-backed currency takes it's name from the English name of the Island: Bougainville Kina (BVK). The conversion rate is $1 USD = 4 BVK. Anyone can open an account with IBOM. I am truly glad I did.

      Now a quote from"CONTRACT ME" VOUCHER PRODUCT: (slightly edited for easier understanding)
 For each CMV acquired, an EMPLOYER is authorized to publish the advertisements posted in the website [that are] shown on the “DISPLAY SHIRT” by “pasting” these on other Internet Sites.
For engaging in publishing ... [a] set of 400 advertisements:
An EMPLOYER can receive a BVK grant from THE BLUE MILLENIUM FOUNDATION (The Foundation) equal in value to $100,000 USD.
      This grant is provided by THE FOUNDATION in recognition of the EMPLOYER supporting commerce through advertising for other businesses.
      One half of the grant MUST be used by the EMPLOYER to pay or to offset payment of salaries and benefits for employees and/or for contracted firms and/or persons [who are] working for the EMPLOYER, or for other firms/entities that the EMPLOYER may select to benefit.
      In other words, the employer is buying the right to post 400 ICC advertisements  and payment will be in BVK to the equivalent of $100,000 (USD) deposited in the employer's name in the Bank of Meekamui. The grant is intended to infuse capital into the economy, to keep the employer afloat and profitable in order to keep employees working and the economy growing.
      To make things easier, an organization named "Millenium ES Corp" (MCORP) is offering to post all 400 advertisements in behalf of the employer in exchange for payment in ICC internet "ZCash Credits". Do you remember where the employer gets the credits?
      Another quote from
As a no-cost, added value benefit, an EMPLOYER acquiring a CMV is authorized to use ... ZCASH CREDIT, equal in value to $100,000 USD:
To have MILLENIUM ES CORP (“MCORP”) do the work of advertising publication on behalf of the EMPLOYER.
      That's right, the employer is given the 100,000 ZCash Credits upon choosing to "hire" MCorp to post the 400 advertisements. No extra cost to the employer. It is an "added value benefit".
      How about that! Getting gifted the credits to pay someone else to do the work for you! An Incredible Concept. Truly. And there is more:
      Again a quotefrom
If MCORP is used, the EMPLOYER can accrue 100,000 CHIPS and these may be used through the CHIPS CORNER Portal of to acquire:
Any legitimate items sold by any legitimate Vendor in the world, including ... additional CMV.
      So, let's wrap this up. For the third time...
      When an employer buys one "Contract Me" Voucher s/he/it says, "Contract Me" to post 400 advertisements in prescribed ways OR to have MCORP do the advertising for the employer.
      In exchange the employer receives the equivalent of:
          a) $100,000 (USD) in a gold-backed BVK ($1 = 4 BVK),
          b) $100,000 (USD) in ZCash Credits ($1 = 1 ZCash Credit);
          c) 100,000 ICC "CHIPS" (2 CHIPS = $1 USD)
The payments are to be used thusly:
      i) Half of the BVK are to compensate the employer for employee wages/bonuses/expenses.
      ii) The other half of the BVK is profit to the employer.
      iii) The ZCash is to pay MCorp to post the required 400 ads.
      iv) The CHIPS are to be used to purchase goods and services from any ICC vendor through
      This CMV process is, I believe, a way to infuse needed capital where it will do the most good - in the hands of business owners who provide real goods and valuable services. This is a way for struggling businesses to stay afloat, keep their employees paid, make their other expenses and increase company profits. CMV's, which pay for valuable and needed services - advertising - can make owning a business a lot less stressful. 
      What would an infusion of a couple extra HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars mean to your business?
      Very worth serious due diligence, don't you think?
Study this out, perhaps buy some CMVs.
Contact me personally and let's discuss matters. 

Now let me give you who don't know already some interesting background information about Meekamui/Bougainville:
      The nation is a  beautiful island in the Solomon Sea, southwestern Pacific. The name of the country is "Meekamui" in one of the native languages (there are several). The English name is Bougainville. 
      Somewhat like America, Papala/Meekamui had to fight a war on their own ground in order to gain its independence. Now they are twin sovereign Kingdoms. 
      Wikipedia, which is an highly respected internet information source says,  "King David Peii II is the king of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui on Bougainville Island in the North Solomon Islands.
      The International Bank of Meekamui ( proclaims all its depositors' accounts are guaranteed and backed by gold. What other bank does THAT nowadays? Gold-backed Bougainville Kina, (BVK) is the proclaimed currency of the Twin Kingdoms. In 2005 the World Bank recognized the King's government and his status as King of Me’ekamui and offered financial assistance to his kingdom. This offer was refused.[15]"(Personally, I think that was a smart move to steer clear of getting into debt to the World Bank.)
      In 2010 the bank network achieved "international recognition and funding,[16] and it appeared to be a significant source of restoration funding for Bougainville."(Wickipedia)
      The reason for the recognition, it is to be noted, is that the Meekamui financial system is and always has been intended to be backed by hard assets - the copper, silver, gold, etc. of the sovereign island - thus making the currency legitimate and exceptionally stable.
       This is unlike the U.S. Federal Reserve System (the FED) that buys U.S. Treasury printed bills called Federal Reserve Notes (FRN), the FED buying the bills at cost of printing - about $0.03/bill, whether it is a $1 bill or a $100. Then the FED lends the currency back to the U.S. Government and other banks at FULL FACE value plus interest, calling them "U.S. Dollars". All this is against the directive of the U.S. Constitution. 
       Imagine being able to buy a billion $100 FRNs at $0.03 each then immediately lending them at $100 + interest! Can you say "Scam"? Now can you say "FED"?
       The FRNs and U.S. Gov't loans (borrowing back the FRNs) are backed only by the good will and future taxes of the working class people who have a U.S. bank account, no matter where in the world they live and work. Now president O is pushing to tax all American bank accounts anywhere in the world the banks may be.
      I believe the world will soon be demanding their currencies be backed by precious metals such as gold and silver. That is what I want backing my money, to be sure! IBOM has set a good example in that.

I'll keep you posted. 
Until then
God Bless.