Thursday, December 19, 2013

Is the Earth Over Populated? Some interesting facts.

Here are some interesting facts a bit off the subject. I hope you enjoy -- Is the earth overpopulated?

 I did the math and discovered that, if all 7 billion people on the earth right now were herded into the borders of just the continental USA, not counting Alaska, Mexico or Canada, each person could have 1/4 acre of farm-able land. Each family of 4 would have at least an acre of cultivatable land, not mountain or arid desert, all within the continental USA and the rest of the globe would be empty of any people at all. You can do the math. 
Anonymous says in 2025 the population will be 10 million giving 2 square miles per person? That's a lot of land for one person to have to cultivate. 19 Million people residing in the greater New York area would give up 38 million square miles of land to reside in an area about 302.8 sq. miles.  That's quite a trade-off. Then consider all the heavily populated areas in the world with similar population/land exchanges. According to one report found through Google: 

• Washington, D.C., will attain a metropolitan population of precisely 5.75 million on Jan. 28, 2012. That is a trade of 61 (or 68) populated sq.miles for 11.5 million vacant sq. miles

• Miami-Fort Lauderdale will climb to 5,660,000 on Jan. 30, 1012. That is 6,137 sq. miles traded for 11,320 million sq.m. Each person still has .6939 acre. Over a half acre per person! In Miami, FL!! . A nice trade for the world "overpopulation" problem.

• Houston will hit exactly 6.2 million on Feb. 6. 2012, trading 12.4 million sq.mi. for 599.6 sq.mi or 1/4 acre per family of 4. That's not bad. (

Then there is Asia, Europe, India, Australia, Africa. The world is anything but terribly over-populated although some densely packed metropolitan areas might be considered so. However when 2025 comes around and there are 10 billion people on the earth North America alone will be capable of comfortably housing and feeding the entire population and leaving the rest of the earth empty of human population. But it won't be empty. Nowhere near empty.

You can do the math.

Then relax. There is enough for all and enough to share.

Thank God.

Monday, December 16, 2013

An Anomyous Letter to Mr. Steele

I received the following letter back in November but missed it until just now when going over some past emails. Here it is:


"I would like you to publish the following information from the Anonymous Informant[:]

"Mister Steele you are an idiot.

"Yes Roger Renaud is a fraud and a con artist but he does not represent IBOM or the Bougainville Island people or BVK. As you well know no authority in any country wishes to bring charges against him. If you gave him money then we are sorry you didn't check him out better. IBOM did. Google was very helpful.

"As you know the only people who are willing to take action against him and IBOM are the villains BCL, Rio Tinto, PNG and ABG. They all want IBOM to go away because IBOM is doing good work in the counties where the villains are still trying to steal the natural resources of the indigenous people.

"[And] do you care?

"If you have any BVK how did you acquire it? If it was given to you by the King then what did you do to get it? If you gave the King money for it then you were betting that the world would recognize BVK at some time. Do you still believe that?

"If you do have BVK what is your injury? Because of the villains you can't spend it yet on bread at your local store but you can spend it at if you take the effort to try. If you have BVK some countries will trade you their currency for it. You may not want their currency but it is still possible.

"So what is your injury? Your teddy bear belief that BVK would give you the big bank stolen American Dream back without you doing any work to earn it, has taken longer than it should? It might still happen but every time you join forces with the villains it just takes longer.

"Do you care about the fight that the King is trying to wage against the villains on behalf of the Bougainville people and all people around the world? Or are you just another greedy fu@# like the rest of the villains?

"Do you realize that the BVK ideal is changing the world? Do you care?

"Do you realize that the world is not the place where big banks, big corporations, big religions and big idiots still rule. The next generation will just wait for those fu@#ers to die off and then they will change everything. Greed will no longer be tolerated, meanness will no longer be tolerated, bulling will no longer be tolerated and stupid will not run the world.

"By 2025 we will have 10 billion people on the planet with barely 2 sq miles for every person, being greedy, mean, bulling stupid fu@#s will not be tolerated or possible because your neighbors will just eliminate you.

"Change or die.

"A sound financial system is imperative for the survival of the species and the resources to sustain us. BVK and their ideals could be such a system.

"Yes IBOM will freeze the funds of anybody that tells lies or insults them. That is the prerogative of every business. If there was a place to move your BVK to they would do that but the villains will not let that happen.

Anonymous Informant"
I suppose IBOM thought I was being untruthful and insulting in my previous blog posts that I deleted before they froze my account. Do they still feel the same now? My account is still frozen and IBOM will not reply to me when I ask what I must do to  get my account unfrozen.
Well, anyway, with Mace declaring to me that IBOM is a front for a money laundering racket, Anonymous declaring each person in the world could have 2 square miles of space by 2025, and others proposing the idea that IBOM will soon have 20 million ounces of purified gold in their safe to back up the BVK I am more than happy to sit and wait for the truth to be presented to the world. 
Regarding the currencies of the world, I believe we can never have too much. Currency is the lubricant that smooths the business transactions that make up the economy. The more stable currencies there are, the easier will be the growth of world economies. 

If BVK were to be accepted as an internationally accepted currency there would be hundreds or thousands of multi-billionaires who would create new businesses, new jobs new wealth and new economic prosperity around the world. Can you see anything bad about that? I cannot.

Scams are bad. Lies are bad. Fictitious banks are bad, even those that are accepted as being real, such as the Federal Reserve and the IMF, banks that are accepted as creators of "real" fiat, paper money such as what I exposed in a recent posting. Money laundering is bad generally because the dirty money is generated by business that hurts people; THAT is bad. Is that what IBOM is doing - laundering dirty money? But if so, what currency is IBOM paying out when legitimate but dirty money (such as USD or Pesos drug money) that is paid into IBOM?

Well, I know the FED and fiat USD being floated upon the backs the US taxpayer is a ponzi scheme that will finally fall apart just like Zimbabwe and Argentina and Yugoslavia and Germany. Will my IBOM account save me when the USD explodes or will I need silver and gold?

What nations will take BVK? Anonymous wrote: 

If you have BVK some countries will trade you their currency for it. You may not want their currency but it is still possible.

What country will do business using BVK and their own currency? Who will accept that country's currency? If I buy 10,000 ton of wheat or 1million sandals from that country paying with BVK will they ship the product to me in the USA? If the answer is yes please ask them to contact me directly

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, December 9, 2013

IBOM BVK Backed by Alluvial Gold? Is this True?

According to IBOM, the BVK is backed by gold. Is this true? Who will verify it?

In all my writings I have asked for someone to come forward to prove with evidence that the BVK is a currency that any "regular Joe" like me can use to do business. Buy and sell. Who will sell to me their products for BVK? I'll pay fair market value in BVK for anything,I can re-sell for USD. That is assuming IBOM will release some of my BVK from the Administrative Hold that shackles my account.

Who will accept my BVK in exchange for any other currency that is accepted on the open market: pesos, yen, dollars, dinar, Pengo, franc, boliviano, yuan or any other internationally accepted currency. I'll give you a generous exchange rate, more generous than the official rate. Who will accept my offer?

So far no one has accepted my offer for BVK, either to do profitable business with a Bougainvillian farmer or potter, weaver, small item carpenter, leather worker or what-have-you, or to fund a project on Bouganville that will benefit the island people. Can I use BVK to pay for a trip to the island to inspect how the reconstruction project is moving forward? Can we build a hydro-electric plant of any size or solar-electric, for the benefit of the people? Where there is inexpensive power there soon follows progress in large measure.

Who will contact me with a proposal of a project that needs funding. I have many hundreds of millions of, I think, green BVK (I don't know, they may be red) that I suppose IBOM or the Central Bank of Bougainville (CBOB) would consider useful for paying a group of workers to build a hydro or solar electric plant. What tools and equipment vendor accepts BVK in exchange for product? Surely there is someone after all these years IBOM has been in existence who will receive BVK for payment, isn't there? Wouldn't a Bougainville native know where the mounds of alluvial gold are that back IBOM BVK?

After all, the multiple websites are impressive, the legal documents are inspiring.  Don't the ever-increasing number of rules, regulations, laws and by-laws show that IBOM, CBOB, the Constitutional & International Banking Law endorsed by King David Peii II,  as can be found on the Royal Monetary Counsel website are not just a scam that will be revealed and go away? This Bougainville IBOM project has been going on for longer than a decade. King David Peii II and his team seem to this writer to be going about their activities to prove and establish Bougainville's independence in all the right ways. They are being ignored by the powers that be - the UN, PNG, Australia, and Rio Tinto. Even the Autonomous Government of Bougainville which is recognized by the outside big money interests ignores IBOM. Why would that be? Don't they know about the gold?

PNG has broadcast that the Bougainville Kina is illegal, not legal tender, in PNG. The BVK may still be legal in Bougainville, and why not? The US dollar was once accepted only in "the colonies" that were recovering from a revolutionary war. It was a long struggle proving the USD was a viable international currency. Success was had only when the dollar was proven to be based upon gold and silver (predominantly upon silver - the silver dollar). So, when the BVK is proven to be backed by gold, real gold that a seller receiving BVK can trust he could actually trade his BVK for, only then will BVK be trusted by the populace and international governments.

I hope my many BVK will soon be proven to have real value in the international financial world. Until then all I can do is write my blog, ask my questions and hope someone finally comes forward with proof and a real opportunity to do some profitable business transactions. I have only been waiting about 4-5 years. Others whom I know have waited 12-15 years and are still excited and hopeful.

I'll be more hopeful when a few hundred million ounces of the alluvial gold are processed into circulating coins or ingots to back up the paper currency. Until, that is, it is proven there is no alluvial gold, or any other form of gold, to back up the IBOM BVK.

In the meanwhile, I'd say, before investing in the banks of Bougainville ask where exactly is the gold that backs the BVK. Otherwise, be sure you can afford to wait years for the return of your investment. 

I'll keep you posted.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Interesting Response from Support

I got an interesting response from IBOM Support yesterday regarding my last posting. I was told that a cowardly scammer had hacked this blog and had written the last post. I assume Support was referring to the last post as I cannot find anything I have not written myself.

Perhaps I am shooting myself in the foot by admitting I wrote the last post that quoted letters sent me by a reader I call "Mace". Perhaps, since Support instructed me to delete everything the hacker wrote, I am at risk of having my IBOM account deleted for not deleting my own last posting which Support believes to be the writing of the hacker. They might just close my IBOM account as they threatened to do once before when the questions I asked in my blog and the possible answers I came up with were esteemed by Support to be negative and harmful to IBOM. I was told I was not supporting IBOM and therefore was not worthy of having an account. The only way to correct the situation was to delete all my blog entries that questioned IBOM otherwise my account would be closed.

I did delete my entries. They didn't close my account. They just froze it, putting it on Administrative Hold where it could earn no interest, not even 3%, the lowest interest rate offered. That was over a year ago, almost 2 years now if memory serves.

In my last blog, the one Support wants deleted, I presented an offer to help King Peii II to get his piles of assayed, gold-rich ore smelted and purified so it can actually be backing of a currency, the gold itself being currency in its own right. With hundreds of billions of BVK worth of gold ingots in place the King would surely be able to successfully back his new currency. Add to that the fact that his employees would have been paid in BVK (backed by the gold they were purifying) and so those BVK would have been put into circulation in the economy the wealth of the nation would be increased two-fold -- by the influx of BVK and by the creation of new wealth, the gold.

I thought the offer to the King would be a good thing, possibly even evoking a response something like, "Thank you, Mr. Sevy. We will take your offer into consideration." I did get a response but it was nothing like what I hoped. I was told to delete the blog entry containing the offer to the King. Why?

"Our message for today is that you must know that you are associated with the most wanted fraudsters and criminals. You are linked to those criminals because you are the owner and director of the fraud bank under the name of ibom (M=Meekamui). We have got more than enough materials which will make Roger Renaud, your Secretary of State, one of the most wanted fraudster in the world. You can never justify your position by your silence." Mace laid it on the line with this statement and I think he was right to do so. Surely, if the King knows anything is amiss he is responsible to eradicate the error, correct the problem, evict the "fraudster" with denunciations or the King is as culpable of the crimes committed as s/he who actually perpetrated the crime.

If I know of a crime and of the criminal and I do nothing but remain silent I can be held partially responsible for the damage done. Jail time could result or at least a sizeable fine. Just as ignorance of a law is no justification under the law of breaking the law, silence is no defense of a crime revealed. If I know of an ongoing crime I have a responsibility to my community to reveal the crime or I can be held responsible for the damages to victims of the crime. This is common moral law which can be upheld by an ample supply of case law.

Of course, those who make the rules often set themselves above the rules just as "he who has the gold makes the rules". There is little that the little guy can do about that and I am a little guy. This means I may be at risk of having my IBOM account shut down because I will not delete my last blog even though Support told me to, they believing it to be the writings of an anonymous hacker, most likely thought to be Mace.

I don't anticipate any good to come of this. My IBOM account might be deleted instead of this blog. However, since even the King will not respond to my offers to use his BVK for legitimate business just as no other banker or business person will respond to my offers, there seems to be nothing lost if my account is shut down. If my account is terminated the only thing lost will be my initial small cash deposit and the wish and hope lost forever that the Bougainville Kina actually has any value.

I'll keep you posted.
Cameron Cv

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What Do You Do When Accused of Fraud? Detonate IBOM?

There is sadness in my heart today. I have received a letter from one of the very few who actually leave a comment to this blog, a letter to King David Peii II that declares, among other things:

Your Majesty

In conclusion: you have been running the “Kingdom of Fraud” or “The Fraud Land”.

Your Honorable Secretary of State of State is the “Laboratory of Fraud”.

Your Irene Schoots, of ibom, is the “European Fraud Branch”.

I do not know what else about HRH Prince Jeff of Australia. I will copy him, this email and previous one.

We are preparing our file for FBI and RCMP. Not only that, but I swear I am taking the fraud file to the UNITED NATION’ offices of concern and also to the IMF Headquarter. We did go to the relevant offices in Europe. We have opened the fraud file in the European Union. Now, we have to coordinate and open a fresh file in IMF, because your Secretary of State has forged the signature of Christine Lagarde in his “Laboratory Fraud” in Harrison &Chilliwack, BC.

Your silence will not help the Bougainville people at any price. What is based on fraud is always fraud.

This blog has been a forum for me to vent some of my frustrations over the past several years, frustrations based upon my inability to utilize any of the billions of BVK that have accumulated in my IBOM account. I have sought ways to convert BVK into US dollars or Australian dollars or Canadian dollars. I've read of ways to use my membership in the International Commerce Club (ICC) through but have never met via internet nor any other medium of communication any other person who has successfully used any process to convert BVK into any form of commercial asset or any form of currency. 
 My lack of success proves nothing . That has been the frustrating part. I have a supposed IBOM bank account with billions of supposedly gold-backed BVK and I cannot use them. While I have communicated with several others who also have IBOM accounts I cannot find anyone in the world who has successfully converted BVK into their home currency. I've not found anyone in the world willing to receive BVK in exchange for products or services, not even any of the few Bougainville residents I've communicated with. They don't want "their own currency" from "their own bank". This is all very frustrating.
Anyone who has read this blog will know I have not at any time stated that I can prove IBOM or the King of Bougainville to be  frauds. What I have done is ask for someone to step forward with proof that profit can be made by doing business using BVK. I have asked for business partners and I'll provide the capital. We could, if they will do commerce using BVK exclusively, buy an oil tanker or plant a coconut plantation or build an environmentally friendly ore smelting plant and precious metals mint. 
I hereby offer to the King that I will contract with him to use my BVK as capital to purify his gold ore and mint it into coin of the realm. Surely the King will trust the BVK to be good currency from his own bank. Surely his people would be willing to trust IBOM BVK to be negotiable currency, particularly if they were assured that the BVK they received as payment was the paper currency supported by the gold they were purifying and pouring into ingots or minting into coin.
There is a problem, though, in that my reader has made it his mission to prove to the world that IBOM and the sister bank, Central Bank of Bougainville (CBOB) and all other related financial programs and organizations are fraudulent and fictitious. He can name himself; I call him "Mace" and he has written a number of letters to IBOM Support, the King and to Mr. Roger Renaud who is named as the Secretary of State of Bougainville and Deputy Gov. of CBOB. Mace has named all of the above as being frauds or supporters of those who directly perpetrated the fraud directly. One such letter is written above. 
Here is another such letter:

Your Majesty,

In all honesty, I am writing to you today to make sure that our crystal message has reached you beyond any doubt. It seems that we have been too polite to address the matter as it should be.
We said, repeatedly, that Roger Renaud was not involved DIRECTLY in our losses. However, Roger is your appointed Secretary of State/ Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Bougainville.
Our message for today is that you must know that you are associated with the most wanted fraudsters and criminals. You are linked to those criminals because you are the owner and director of the fraud bank under the name of ibom (M=Meekamui). We have got more than enough materials which will make Roger Renaud, your Secretary of State, one of the most wanted fraudster in the world. You can never justify your position by your silence. As you chose to NOT to report the crimes of fraud, you are PARTNER of those CRIMES. You have failed in the past to report the fraud of Ben Young, Gordon Rothwell, Irene, Patrick and others while you are still sitting on the domain of your MIRAGE ibom. Right now, you are covering up (KNOWINGLY) the fraudulent documents which are purportedly related to European Union and EU Central Bank and more.

Your Majesty: I can confirm (with all confidence) that you (and your conspiracy team) have got special RECORD in the EU official, geographic zone. I suggest that you order Irene to check your RECORD there. It is not far from where she is.
Copy of this letter will reach your associates. Beyond any doubt, they are part of the conspiracy.
Yours truly
 A M

It is not for me to say any of what Mace declares is true. I have not traveled to the headquarters of the European Union and spoken with the heads of state whose signatures Mace says have been fraudulently used by Roger Renaud. I have no proof of wrong doing by the men and women named in the letter above. All I have is no evidence that anything created and promoted by these people actually works or has any functional value, i.e. IBOM and BVK or ICC and Chips-Corner. I know of people who have paid thousands and tens of thousands into these organization's programs and have yet to receive anything in return. 
Again, zero return does not prove fraud so I do not declare fraud of myself. I do declare: If you don't want to wait years and years and still receive not even your initial investment in return, don't put your hard earned money in IBOM.
I also declare to IBOM and the King, I have billions of BVK in an IBOM account. I offer to contract with anyone you may know who is willing to perform a legitimate, profitable business enterprise. I will provide the capital using my BVK. In conducting such a profitable work we will prove all these things to be legitimate and real. We will prove IBOM and BVK to NOT be false or fraudulent. Isn't this what everyone wants, probably even Mace?
I would think that silence would not be the smartest move IBOM or the King could make in the light of Mace's declarations and revelations. Certainly choosing a resident of Chilliwack, BC Canada to be the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Bougainville is not the smartest move on the part of the King. His refusal to denounce Renaud's counterfeiting letters from the president of the European Union is also not a smart move by the King as it implicates him as being a knowing participant of fraud. Not good. 
I want IBOM and BVK to all be real. 
Please, someone, step up to the table. Let's contract to do business with my BVK, benefit the lives of many and make healthy profit for everyone involved. 
Contact me directly by commenting on this blog or emailing me directly. I know IBOM Support has my email address; they shut me down once before for "being negative". 
I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


IBOM. International Bank of Meekamui. The bank of Bougainville, the Twin Kingdoms, built for Bougainville reconstruction, restoration & rehabilitation, according to the official website:

CBOB, Central Bank of Bougainville, the internal bank for local domestic business in internal BVK only.

The official currency, the Bougainville KINA, they say is backed by gold. The printed KINA features the picture of King David Peii II who, it is claimed is the direct descendant of the ancient kings of the Island. They say the bank holds some of the gold and the rest is not yet refined but lays in big piles of highly concentrated ore, assayed and proven to be rich in gold, copper and other valuable minerals. 

I've been told IBOM has begun to distribute the paper Bougainville KINA (BVK) among the populace for legal tender. There are several types of BVK according to the IBOM website. In order to use the BVK one must learn which "color" of BVK is designed for what purpose and for whose purpose. I wonder if the populace is so well informed, particularly when, last I spoke with a Bougainvillian IBOM is a failed "investment opportunity"

IBOM has apparently been governed by several  people who reside outside of Bougainville. For example, one man whom I'll call "Frenchie" actually resides in Chillowack, BC Canada and runs a pulled BBQ meat sandwich business. Somehow Frenchie convinced IBOM leadership, i.e. the King and his counselors, that he, Frenchie, was the man who could get BVK accepted by the European Union as a legitimate currency, even perhaps as a world reserve currency to replace the US dollar. Unfortunately, Frenchie turned out to be a fraud, a scam artist who fleeced IBOM for some number of millions of Canadian dollars.

Why Frenchie was not satisfied to take the solid, gold-backed BVK as payment instead of the fiat CDN dollar we'll never know. Word is IBOM is now or will soon have some people buying some pulled BBQ meat sandwiches and demanding some specific private time with Frenchie. I don't know how solid this rumor is. It could be as real as the gold that backs the BVK, which reality has in serious question, especially, it seems, among the Bougainvillian people. 

I can understand how the King may be sincere in his efforts to build a real banking system that would rival any financial system in the world. All current central banks that this writer knows of print "fiat" money that is backed by nothing more than future taxes, or the good faith of the government, meaning faith that the government will be able to tax the people enough to pay for not only the money that the government borrows to infuse into the economy by way of loans but also taxes enough to pay for the interest that is charged for the use of the money the government borrowed to infuse into the economy. That is how fiat money works. You knew that, right? 

The dollar or yen or euro that are in your possession are not promises to give you anything of value if you seek to exchange it at the central bank. Even the minted coins are nothing more than junk metals: zink, tin, nickel, copper. These coins are made of cheap metals that don't easily corrode or rust but are not valuable like silver or gold. These metals are not bought by the ounce or gram but by the pound or Kilo, for example, nickel - $6.48/lb, Tin - $10.48/lb, copper - $$3.27, zinc.- $0.84/lb. Your fiat money is worth pounds of junk metal unless can you use it to trade for food, gasoline, clothing, services, etc. 

I am not saying fiat money is bad. It is just unstable. In due course of time the money itself becomes known for what it is worth: junk metal, or nothing. I don't know any "regular" people who are looking to buy junk metal. So, eventually, historically within 100 years of the introduction of the fiat money, the population begins to demand more and more junk money in exchange for material that has intrinsic value. This is inflation. When that happens the government discovers the printed currency needs to be upgraded from 20 to 20,000 increment bills. Shortly thereafter, since the population is becoming totally convinced of the real value of the fiat money, the government must increase the increments from 20,000 to 20 million increment notes, then 200 million then 2billion increment notes, or more, be they Argentinian Pesos, or Yugoslavian Dinar or Zimbabwe dollars. 
Read what one blogger wrote about traveling in Zimbabwe during the fiat money financial crisis, 2006-2008,

       Every guy on the street would hold out a wad of notes, many well used notes, and ask for US$20 to take them as a souvenir.  You then haggle and barter and pay about US$5 to take the things off their hands.
In some ways, I bought a lot of these notes as I felt sorry for the chaps – one guy hassled me non-stop for about ten minutes and I eventually said that we were leaving that day so could not buy any more stuff.
       He said: “You’re leaving today?  Well maybe you have some old T-shirts or pants you could give to me?  I don’t mind how old sir.  I’ll wait outside your hotel.”
       Another guy noticed that we had some bread in our bag (to feed the birds) and asked if he could have it to eat.
That’s how poor this economy is today.
                                                                                        Chris Skinner, "Financial Services Club Blog"

Above is a picture of the Zimbabwe one hundred trillion dollar note. Worth $100 trillion? No. Purchased in mint condition for $10 USD by a tourist. Otherwise it was worthless for purchasing anything like clothing or food on the open market. That is fiat money. 

From "Vacher", a commentor from Chris Skinner's blog, we learn: 

The largest denomination banknote ever officially issued for circulation was in 1946 by the Hungarian National Bank for the amount of 100 quintillion pengo... :

Hungary (1946) 100 Quintillion Pengo
....... (100,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 1020). The Post-WWII hyperinflation of Hungary holds the record for the most extreme monthly inflation rate ever — 41,900,000,000,000,000% (4.19 × 1016%) for July, 1946, amounting to prices doubling every fifteen hours!!

So this is the result of the population losing good faith in the government issued fiat currency backed by nothing other than the future taxation of the people by the government.

According to IBOM, the BVK is backed by gold. Is this true? Who will verify it?

In all my writings I have asked for someone to come forward to prove with evidence that the BVK is a currency that any "regular Joe" like me can use to do business. Buy and sell. Who will sell to me, assuming IBOM will release some of my BVK from the Administrative Hold that shackles my account, my "money", my BVK?

Who will accept my BVK in exchange for any other currency that is accepted on the open market: pesos, yen, dollars, dinar, Pengo, franc, boliviano, yuan or any other internationally accepted currency. I'll give you a generous exchange rate, more generous than the official rate. Who will accept my offer?

So far no one has accepted my offer for BVK, either to do profitable business with a Bougainvillian farmer or potter, weaver, small item carpenter, leather worker or what-have-you, or to fund a project on Bouganville that will benefit the island people. Can I use BVK to pay for a trip to the island to inspect how the reconstruction project is moving forward? Can we build a hydro-electric plant of any size or solar-electric, for the benefit of the people? Where there is inexpensive power there soon follows progress in large measure.

Who will contact me with a proposal of a project that needs funding. I have many hundreds of millions of, I think, green BVK (I don't know, they may be red) that I suppose IBOM or the Central Bank of Bougainville (CBOB) would consider useful for paying a worker to build a hydro or solar electric plant. What tools and equipment vendor accepts BVK in exchange for product? Surely there is someone after all these years.

After all, the multiple websites are impressive, the legal documents are inspiring and the ever-increasing number of rules, regulations, laws and by-laws show this financial institution is proving that IBOM, CBOB, the Constitutional & International Banking Law, endorsed by King David Peii II,  as can be found on the Royal Monetary Counsel website are not some little scam that will just be revealed and go away. This Bougainville IBOM project has been going on for longer than a decade. King David Peii II and his team seem to this writer to be going about their activities in all the right ways. They are being ignored by the powers that be - the UN, PNG, Australia, Rio Tinto - even the Autonomous Government of Bougainville which is recognized by the outside big money interests.

PNG has broadcast that the Bougainville Kina is illegal, not legal tender, in PNG. The BVK may still be legal in Bougainville, and why not? The US dollar was once accepted only in "the colonies" that were recovering from a revolutionary war. It was a long struggle proving the USD was a viable international currency. Success was had only when the dollar was proven to be based upon gold and silver (predominantly upon silver - the silver dollar). So, when the BVK is proven to be backed by gold, real gold that a seller receiving BVK can trust he could actually trade his BVK for, only then will BVK be trusted by the populace and international governments.

I hope my many BVK will soon be proven to have real value in the international financial world. Until then all I can do is write my blog, ask my questions and hope someone finally comes forward with proof and a real opportunity to do some profitable business transactions. I have only been waiting about 4-5 years. Others I know have waited 12-15 years and are still excited and hopeful.

I'll be more hopeful when a few hundred million ounces of the alluvial gold are processed into circulating coins or ingots to back up the paper currency.

In the meanwhile, I'd say, before investing in the banks of Bougainville, be sure you can afford to wait years for the return of your investment. 

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Demand For Blog Removal

Well, dear Readers, it has happened. Read the following email recently received:

IBOM support
Sep 12 (4 days ago)

to me
Please remove this blog immediately
It is still something people, and perhaps you, misuse for information.
IBOM support

IBOM Support was informed of the existence of this blog by my email acquaintance, Mace, who has been threatening to reveal certain claims of proof of falsifications on the part of Roger Renaud, the Central Bank Governor and apparent Secretary of State under King David. Possibly King David is victim of these falsifications which may be holding IBOM back from being able to perform as promised. If this is the case no one would yet be able to come forward to take me up on my 60%-40% business offer.
The problem, however, is that IBOM support is not going along with Mace. The following email which Mace recently received from IBOM Support precipitated a certain 0.5% offer I'll tell you about:
 [Dear Mace] Your last emails showed us that we cannot inform you about what King David knows or does not know. When you are willing to inform the media and ESBC about this, it shows that you have no respect at all for the position of King David. It also shows that you even are willing to put your own assets at risk.

We do not know you. You are not courageous enough to tell your true name. You are not interested in helping King David nor IBOM, otherwise you would have send the information without any demand. Any person, willing to help King David would have done that. Any person willing to help would NOT threaten to go to the media and ESBC.

Since you think it is best to go to the media and ESBC we cannot give you any information nor will we add one word to this conversation to an anonymous person.

IBOM support
With the statement about Mace being "willing to put your own assets at risk" Mace made the following offer to IBOM and King David and Roger Renaud:
If we have assets with you or with Renaud, you just pay us 0.5% and we will let him take the rest. Take my word for that deal. [Mace]
Mace has made comments to me alluding to his IBOM holdings which have lead me to believe s/he has A WHOLE LOT of BVK, possibly hundreds of BILLIONS. One/half of one percent of 100 billion BVK would equal a whopping  BVK500,000,000 or USD125,000,000. If IBOM took the deal Mace would be VERY profitable, I am quite certain, and IBOM/King David/Roger Renaud wouldretain a lot of profit. I'd take Mace's deal if I were them.
Mace, however, more recently expanded his offer/threat/warning (what do you want to call it?) to Roger Renaud:
My proposal is as follows:
"Roger or anyone one should pay immediately within one week all what he should have paid through the normal channels of the accounts and account holders to whom he has been making false promises. Our money will then be transferred normally to us"  
By [that] time I promise to hand all information and documents to you and also to write a declaration of no disclosure to third party. Can I be more transparent and fairer than I am now? This is a warning for Roger and his associates. [Mace]
Now, it is clear the offer/warning is directed to Roger Renaud, not to King David or even directly to IBOM. The falsified letters or documents are apparently from Mssr Renaud and may be proof that King David is being lied to and his IBOM projects thereby hindered. However, notice IBOM's reply to Mace:
[Dear Mace]
Is there ONE good reason to publish it instead of giving it to King David?
Your actions are as bad as the con-men.
But you are free to do what you obviously intent to do. You DO want to harm King David.
He had bullets on his head. A threat does not bother him.
We will never add one letter to this conversation. You might as well stop writing. We will add you to our spam list.
IBOM support
Dear Reader, you make your own decisions based upon what is presented here. With IBOM's history of threatening to take away my account if I didn't delete my blog questions, then still placing my account on "Administrative Hold" with zero interest after I did delete the blog, is it any wonder Mace does not want to give IBOM Support his account number and wants to remain anonymous? They'll most predictably delete Mace's account if they discover her/his account number. 
It is very likely I will again be threatened with the same for my current writings. Notice IBOM said to me: 
"and perhaps you, misuse". If simply reporting true events, asking sincere questions and offering legitimate business opportunities is "misuse", I suppose I must plead "guilty."
IBOM demands total trust and confidence but will not answer questions directly (certainly they didn't to me) nor, it seems, even understand someone who seeks to discover proof of one of IBOM's top leaders' truthfulness, and also who seeks only to be paid what s/he was promised.
It seems IBOM Support is being directed to misuse information and has been for some time. Take a look at the comment thread at the following site:
Here is another fellow who wants to be objective. He or she just wants "proof of the pudding". Can you blame him?

Frankly, I'd be willing to settle with IBOM for 40% of my BVK assets and they keep 60%, if they will give me my % in USD or Canadian or Australian dollars. I'd be happy to sign over to King David 60% of my account under that agreement. Give me 40% of the assets in my Administratively Held IBOM account converted to dollars, transfer 60% into King David's account and we should both be very happy. 

I'm offering King David 6x the amount that God asks for -- 10%, a Tithe -- certainly he should be happy with that!
I don't have any threatening documents to use for trade/bribe/blackmail or use in any other way whatsoever. I have only the BVK "assets" held in my IBOM Trust account to give to King David. Certainly they are trustworthy, right?

Dear IBOM Support, 
I know you are going to read this...
Will you do the trade with me?

I'll keep you posted.
God Bless.
Cameron Cv

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Words of a Wise Person

I want to share with you an email exchange with a person whom I consider very wise.

This person invested quite heavily in IBOM through the Internet Commerce Club and after receiving nothing for years except reports from IBOM that his account had grown to A Very LARGE amount my friend decided to give them one more chance to actually work.

My friend was promised if s/he would buy into a certain program costing about$1,200 the return would be fantastic and s/he would be able to finally convert B'ville Kina into a currency s/he could use. A wonderful promise.

The following is our most recent email exchange. I believe you will find it interesting...

Hi [my friend],
How are things in your corner of the world? 
Did anything ever come of your transaction with IBOM and ICC?

I'd be interested in your viewpoint and reactions to my blog:
If you like it perhaps you'd share it with some of your interested contacts or friends.
God Bless.
Cameron Sevy
Hi Cam,

Not yet, but I am determined NOT to destroy my possibilities IF IBOM will indeed succeed. The more doubtful negativities written on the Internet about it or demands for investigations the less chance will IBOM have to ever be able to fund us IF THEY REALLY ARE WORKING TOWARDS FUNDING US.

To me it seems to be at least two major fractions on Bougainville that IMO work against each other. On one side, which I think is the biggest is the ABG and on the other the very small fraction supporting Noah Mosingku. Both are badmouthing each other.

If you login to your IBOM site there is new news dated 12th September 2013, where they explain that the person that was said to move BVK towards becoming an international recognized currency, in fact was a sly conman of the worst kind. So IBOM had to rewrite their goals and state they are now dependent on buy/sell transactions.

In the beginning of the year 2013 we were offered to apply for Trusts. A Trust Template was drawn. I am not certain but I believe this was before IBOM new about the conman. The Trust offer came to a standstill, but in the news of the 12th IBOM mentions that the new Trust Template will be offered this (September) or next month. To me it looks like some progress is made and that is why I sit tight. I would hate to destroy any percentage of a chance that it really will be paying out in the future.

I think most of the IBOM clients have their inner doubts but from the same reason I mentioned, they sit quite and do not question the situation. Should I be able to withdraw or exchange anything from my IBOM account, anything would be better than nothing.

Regarding IBOM I understand your position. However, I believe potential investors need to be warned of the broken record. What does the world lose when a new gold-backed currency is created? Nothing. The world gains by it. So what has been holding the world back from accepting the B'ville Kina? Another unidentified conman? Yeah. Gee, what sour "luck".

I submitted a trust last year when they were giving them away. Their useful value? Unknown. I'd say don't put another penny into any thing IBOM until they actually perform. They want to be trusted? They must Produce something other than emails with excuses and empty promises.

If they close my account just because I demand their performance on promises they ARE the crooks and conmen. In my blog all I write are my personal experiences, opinions and questions along with invitations for proof that IBOM and the B,Kina are viable.

We will see what they do. Performance is up to them.


No, I will not spend another penny more on either FH, ICC or IBOM. THEY have to prove their worthiness.

That, dear readers is the way things are and will remain until IBOM proves their worthiness. 

If you or someone y you know is thinking of opening an account of any size I recommend you consider my friend's position and statement.... ask IBOM to put you in touch with a bank you trust,a bank that will accept B'ville Kina and exchange them for currency you can use to pay bills with our buy groceries. 

Don't just trust in IBOM promises. As my friend so wisely stated:

THEY have to prove their worthiness.

I invite anyone to step forward with verifiable proof of that worthiness.
I'll keep you posted.
God Bless.
Cameron Sevy

Friday, September 13, 2013

"Proof of the Pudding" ... Who is Successfully using Bougainville Kina and IBOM?

When I deleted the blog entries due to the threats of IBOM Support to delete my account I was shocked to discover that they had hacked into one of my gmail accounts and discovered that I had contacted, for example, a Bougainville travel resort. I emailed the resort posing as a person whose relative has an IBOM account. I asked if the resort would be willing to receive B'ville Kina as payment for services. I never even received a reply from the travel resort but IBOM replied. They had hacked into my email!!

Why would they do that? It was because I was asking about how to utilize some of my many B'ville Kina without having to spend $1,200 USD in order to maybe convert the Kina to USD. Someone read my blog and asked IBOM Support the same questions, directing them to this blog and my questions. It was then that IBOM Support threatened to delete my large account and they hacked my email in order to find out more about me.

I wanted to learn how to get a Bougainville business license and pay the $100 USD fee with B'ville Kina. IBOM Support absolutely REFUSED to even give me the Bougainville Autonomous Government's contact information. Why?

I asked IBOM Support who on their island I could purchase product from and how I could use some of my many, many B'ville Kina to build needed infrastructure like bridges, roads, docks in Bougainville.  My Kina weren't (aren't) doing any good just sitting in the bank. I might as well put them to work. No one wanted my Kina, no one wants them now. And now, because of my questions, my account is still in non-interest earning Administrative Hold.

I asked questions like, "Why do I have to pay hundreds of USD just for the privilege of converting my Kina into USD?" I conversion factor I understand. I've lived in Canada and been in Mexico and have converted currency but then only a very small fraction is taken in the transaction. You don't have to put up hundreds or thousands of USD up front in the hopes of the conversion possibly, maybe taking place. I don't like gambling like that. When I asked "Why", I was accused of "not trusting", "not helping", "not believing".

Well, the accusations have become very true.

I am still asking the same questions. How can I use B'ville Kina to transact normal international business? Who is being successful doing so and can partner with me for a split of the profits? Is ANYONE successful using B'ville Kina in ANY transaction, ANYWHERE?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If no one can eat it the pudding isn't any good and you oughtn't buy it or trust the cook or the server who tells you it is good.

I've kept myself open for about 3 years to hear of anyone who can prove IBOM and B;ville Kina have any real market validity. I've been told people don't want to declare their business success and so will not come forward with proof. If, however, I am willing to foot the entire cost of a multi-million Kina transaction and am willing to share the profits with the person who will show me how to use my Kina, I would be truly shocked to learn that person would refuse to share in the millions worth of profit for privacy's sake. Wouldn't you?

So the offer stands.
Who knows the "pudding" is good and is willing to share some of mine with me?
How does 60%-40% in your favor sound to you?

I'll keep you posted.
Till then, God Bless.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Financial Hope with IBOM?

I have an internet acquaintance I'll call Mace. S/he is a passionate person, particularly when it comes to banks, scams, incriminating documents, being in contact with people in the Know (not necessarily referring to myself). Mace has a penchant for bringing scammers to justice. I believe s/he also has a penchant for proving the truth  for personal benefit. This is why s/he is determined to prove the veracity of IBOM's proclamations that the Bougainville Kina has any real purchasing power.

You see, both Mace and I have rather significant accounts with the IBOM institution. If I could actually use any of the B'ville Kina all my financial troubles would be over as well as those of all of my 9 children and 25 grandchildren. I know Mace's account is substantial; s/he has hinted strongly enough to that effect to convince me. So, therefore, it is worthwhile working to prove the viability of the B'ville Kina.

Take a look at this link:

One country's declaration that a currency is illegal within that country does not prove the currency is no good any where else in the world but it sure packs a pile of doubt around that currency. 

"King David", otherwise known as a conman Noah Musingku, is still working his U-Vistract money raising program by which, it is told, millions in various currencies, perhaps hundreds of millions, have been "invested" into the International Bank of Meekamui -- IBOM -- and ultimately been made unavailable to the investors. Very high interest rates have been offered and shown in the IBOM internet account pages. My account grew very, very fast, to the point to which I was willing to delete several blog entries last year that asked searching questions about IBOM.

For example, when I heard that IBOM was beginning to work with a small Montana bank through which I hoped to gain working access to some of my BKina, I called the bank to see how things were coming. The bank manager informed me he was eager to work with IBOM but he couldn't get any actual working paperwork from IBOM Support. He told me that if he didn't get anything by the end of the week he was planning on contacting the US SEC or something. IBOM Support and a bunch of other people blamed me for the falling out between these two autonomous, multi-billion dollar entities. My fault? Because I made a telephone call to a bank manager? Ha, ha, ha, that's funny!

I wrote a number of blogs (deleted, as I said, when IBOM Support threatened to delete my substantial account) asking such questions as "Is there anyone out there in the world who will sell anything and receive B'ville Kina as payment?" and "Does anyone know anyone who has been able to convert BKina into any other internationally acceptable currency?" To date no one has answered to the positive. No one in Bougainville has accepted my offers to buy their entire copra crop for top market price if they will receive payment in BKina. No B'ville business would reply to me when I asked to do business and pay with IBOM B'ville Kina.

Now Mace has told me s/he has very incriminating documentation regarding IBOM and that s/he has been in direct touch with "King David" whose position is very shaky. The "King" still says, "The point is not whether or not we can trust you, but whether or not you trust us." That is pretty close to the point. I will admit that I must trust my bank and it truly doesn't matter whether the bank trusts its depositors after receiving their money. 
THE POINT IS WHETHER OR NOT THE BANK IS TRUSTWORTHY!! Every other question is smoke-screen. Mace is actively working to blow the smoke away.

The BKina is supposed to be backed by gold, unmined, unpurified gold still lying under the rocks of Panguna mine. Sorry, that doesn't work because it takes too much work to mine and mint the gold into a working currency. Unless the workers and their families are willing to work for BKina and the shopkeepers and all other business owners are willing to receive BKina in payment for their goods and services, the BKina cannot support the economy nor be used to mine and mint the gold. Unmined gold does not back a currency because it is unusable in the market place. I guess "King David" doesn't understand that.
What should a potential investor in IBOM do? Perhaps fly to the beautiful isle of Bougainville that the Allies liberated in WWII. Go to an IBOM bank and check it out.  Ask around town if anyone will receive IBOM B'ville Kina in payment for anything. See if BKina is an accepted currency in Bougainville. At the very worst, if you find IBOM to be untrustworthy, you will have a wonderful vacation in a beautiful island paradise.

Regarding your investing in Bougainville, perhaps you could check out the companies that are trying to get Panguna mine re-opened. Check out 
Mace asked me my opinion about the ESBC. Unfortunately I have no knowledge about the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper. Perhaps they are legit and may give you a substantial yield on your investment. Do your due diligence before letting go of your hard earned money.

Remember the first 2 rules of investing:

Rule #1: Risk nothing; do not lose money;
Rule #2: Review Rule #1 daily.
God Bless.
I'll keep you posted
Cameron Sevy

IBOM ... So, What's New?

I have an internet acquaintance I'll call Mace. S/he is a passionate person, particularly when it comes to banks, scams, incriminating documents, being in contact with people in the Know (not necessarily referring to myself). Mace has a penchant for bringing scammers to justice. I believe s/he also has a penchant for proving the truth  for personal benefit. This is why s/he is determined to prove the veracity of IBOM's proclamations that the Bougainville Kina has any real purchasing power.

You see, both Mace and I have rather significant accounts with the IBOM institution. If I could actually use any of the B'ville Kina all my financial troubles would be over as well as those of all of my 9 children and 25 grandchildren. I know Mace's account is substantial; s/he has hinted strongly enough to that effect to convince me. So, therefore, it is worthwhile working to prove the viability of the B'ville Kina.

Take a look at this link:

One country's declaration that a currency is illegal within that country does not prove the currency is no good any where else in the world but it sure packs a pile of doubt around that currency. 

"King David", otherwise known as a conman Noah Musingku, is still working his U-Vistract money raising program by which, it is told, millions in various currencies, perhaps hundreds of millions, have been "invested" into the International Bank of Meekamui -- IBOM -- and ultimately been made unavailable to the investors. Very high interest rates have been offered and shown in the IBOM internet account pages. My account grew very, very fast, to the point to which I was willing to delete several blog entries last year that asked searching questions about IBOM.

For example, when I heard that IBOM was beginning to work with a small Montana bank through which I hoped to gain working access to some of my Kin a, I called the bank to see how things were coming. The bank manager informed me he was eager to work with IBOM but he couldn't get any actual working paperwork from IBOM Support. He told me that if he didn't get anything by the end of the week he was planning on contacting the US SEC or something. IBOM Support and a bunch of other people blamed me for the falling out between these two autonomous, multi-billion dollar entities. My fault? Because I made a telephone call? Ha, ha, ha, that's funny!

I wrote a number of blogs (deleted when IBOM Support threatened to delete my substantial account) asking such questions as "Is there anyone out there in the world who will sell anything and receive B'ville Kina as payment?" and "Does anyone know anyone who has been able to convert BKina into any other internationally acceptable currency?". To date no one has answered to the positive. No one has accepted my offers to buy their entire copra crop for top market price if they will receive payment in BKina.

Now Mace has told me s/he has very incriminating documentation regarding IBOM and that s/he has been in direct touch with "King David" whose position is very shaky. The "King" still says, "The point is not whether or not we can trust you, but whether or not you trust us." That is pretty close to the point. I will admit that I must trust my bank and it truly doesn't matter whether the bank trusts its depositors after receiving their money. 
THE POINT IS WHETHER OR NOT THE BANK IS TRUSTWORTHY!! Every other question is smoke-screen. Mace is actively working to blow the smoke away.

The BKina is supposed to be backed by gold, unmined, unpurified gold still lying under the rocks of Panguna mine. Sorry, that doesn't work because it takes too much work to mine and mint the gold into a working currency. Unless the workers and their families are willing to work for BKina and the shopkeepers and all other business owners are willing to receive BKina in payment for their goods and services, the BKina cannot support the economy nor be used to mine and mint the gold. Unmined gold does not back a currency because it is unusable in the market place. I guess "King David" doesn't understand that.
What should a potential investor in IBOM do? Perhaps fly to the beautiful isle of Bougainville that the Allies liberated in WWII. Go to an IBOM bank and check it out.  Ask around town if anyone will receive IBOM B'ville Kina in payment for anything. See if BKina is an accepted currency in Bougainville. At the very worst, if you find IBOM to be untrustworthy, you will have a wonderful vacation in a beautiful island paradise.

Regarding your investing in Bougainville, perhaps you could check out the companies that are trying to get Panguna mine re-opened. Check out 
Mace asked me my opinion about the ESBC. Unfortunately I have no knowledge about the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper. Perhaps they are legit and may give you a substantial yield on your investment. Do your due diligence before letting go of your hard earned money.

Remember the first 2 rules of investing:

Rule #1: Risk nothing; do not lose money;
Rule #2: Review Rule #1 daily.
God Bless.
I'll keep you posted
Cameron Sevy