Friday, September 13, 2013

"Proof of the Pudding" ... Who is Successfully using Bougainville Kina and IBOM?

When I deleted the blog entries due to the threats of IBOM Support to delete my account I was shocked to discover that they had hacked into one of my gmail accounts and discovered that I had contacted, for example, a Bougainville travel resort. I emailed the resort posing as a person whose relative has an IBOM account. I asked if the resort would be willing to receive B'ville Kina as payment for services. I never even received a reply from the travel resort but IBOM replied. They had hacked into my email!!

Why would they do that? It was because I was asking about how to utilize some of my many B'ville Kina without having to spend $1,200 USD in order to maybe convert the Kina to USD. Someone read my blog and asked IBOM Support the same questions, directing them to this blog and my questions. It was then that IBOM Support threatened to delete my large account and they hacked my email in order to find out more about me.

I wanted to learn how to get a Bougainville business license and pay the $100 USD fee with B'ville Kina. IBOM Support absolutely REFUSED to even give me the Bougainville Autonomous Government's contact information. Why?

I asked IBOM Support who on their island I could purchase product from and how I could use some of my many, many B'ville Kina to build needed infrastructure like bridges, roads, docks in Bougainville.  My Kina weren't (aren't) doing any good just sitting in the bank. I might as well put them to work. No one wanted my Kina, no one wants them now. And now, because of my questions, my account is still in non-interest earning Administrative Hold.

I asked questions like, "Why do I have to pay hundreds of USD just for the privilege of converting my Kina into USD?" I conversion factor I understand. I've lived in Canada and been in Mexico and have converted currency but then only a very small fraction is taken in the transaction. You don't have to put up hundreds or thousands of USD up front in the hopes of the conversion possibly, maybe taking place. I don't like gambling like that. When I asked "Why", I was accused of "not trusting", "not helping", "not believing".

Well, the accusations have become very true.

I am still asking the same questions. How can I use B'ville Kina to transact normal international business? Who is being successful doing so and can partner with me for a split of the profits? Is ANYONE successful using B'ville Kina in ANY transaction, ANYWHERE?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If no one can eat it the pudding isn't any good and you oughtn't buy it or trust the cook or the server who tells you it is good.

I've kept myself open for about 3 years to hear of anyone who can prove IBOM and B;ville Kina have any real market validity. I've been told people don't want to declare their business success and so will not come forward with proof. If, however, I am willing to foot the entire cost of a multi-million Kina transaction and am willing to share the profits with the person who will show me how to use my Kina, I would be truly shocked to learn that person would refuse to share in the millions worth of profit for privacy's sake. Wouldn't you?

So the offer stands.
Who knows the "pudding" is good and is willing to share some of mine with me?
How does 60%-40% in your favor sound to you?

I'll keep you posted.
Till then, God Bless.


  1. CAM

    This blog is not shwoing the number of visitors, viewers. I got an email from one of those who posted and enquired here last year, asking "WHICH BLOG". You activated the old blog. Next is to try to let old folks know about the blog activation activities. Can you do that? You can with every confidence publish that HE/SHE has got serious but fake letters linked to IBOM scam, which were created by one of the fraudsters of IBOM processing. This fraudster one is highly connected and linked to KING DAVID. I trust the source 100%. I am trying to get copies as we may need to publish all in here.

  2. Cam, forget about IBOM for a second, and really think about the "rise to power" of Noah Musingku. Be logical, rational, and responsible with your thinking here... Noah Musingku took advantage of the crisis in Bouganville and is now hold-up in a small village in the "no go zone". He controls a minimal force of armed men, probably has some sat-com equipment and possibly access to the internet. Where could he possibly attain gold, let alone enough gold, to back lets say, millions of BVK? I've read people on the internet claiming to have billions upon billions of BVK in their accounts. Give me a break... Noah "King whatever" Musingku has enough tangible wealth to back billions, if not trillions of BVK? Throw a little God/Jesus talk in there, and people seem to have a false hope that money will just appear from nothing. If it sounds to good to be true... it is to good to be true. IBOM/BVK is a pipe dream. The people of Bouganville even mock Noah and his u-vistract/bvk scam.

  3. William, you are right, as far as I know, about just about everything in your comment. I think you for it. My account is one of those of which you write. It is too fantastic an account to just let go of. There are, truthfully, enough things "too good to be true" that are actually true that I do not just run whenever I see one. I look closer and seek the truth with a skeptical and, hopefully, an open, objective mind.

    Thank you for the wise counsel to be rational and responsible. I'll do my best. Please keep reading and writing. You are most welcome.

  4. Ha, ha! I meant to say I THANK you, not I think you. With your agreement, however, I'll be happy to think with you!

  5. Cam, you seem like a great human being. I'm thankful you have this blog as there really isn't that much open dialog on the net pertaining to the IBOM scam. Hopefully people will read what you write and think twice before getting involved/suckered. Hopefully people will acknowledge that you are a real, honest,every day human being who is just simply asking obvious questions... AND, most importantly, you are not apart of the "global elite" trying to put out misinformation. I have heard that tale as a way to discredit IBOM... "anything negative about IBOM on the internet is put their by the global elite"... lol... When I was told that, I was thinking... "have you actually taken a look at "King pei" with his crown of beads, or gold?... the guy looks ridiculous!! (not to mention the 1990's html style websites... don't get me started. lol
