Sunday, June 7, 2015

Is IBOM still alive and kicking ... and are people still getting their financial teeth kicked out?

According to my understanding IBOM is still "alive and kicking". According to its website,, I quote:

The International Bank of Me'ekamui [IBOM] is a National and International bank located on Bougainville Islands.

IBOM operates Bougainville's lawful & sovereign currency the Bougainville Kina [BVK].

Information about the applicable valid situation regarding IBOM based on Bougainville's Supreme Law regarding all monetary areas, the Constitutional & International Banking Law, endorsed by King David Peii II, can be found on the website

It is questioned that the BVK is truly a lawfully sovereign currency of the island of Bougainville. To my thinking, if it were lawful currency SOMEONE would have contacted me with some plan by which s/he would get the billions of BVK I have offered. Surely some business person would have kicked down the doors of the IBOM Support in order to gain access to the billions of BVK I want to give them. We are talking BILLIONS of BVK here. Certainly someone in Bougainville or the surrounding islands would know how to convert BVK into Chinese yuan, Japanese Yen, Australian dollars, PNG Kina, or gold something of the like if the BVK is truly an internationally accepted currency. Don't you think?

Well, folks, IT ISN'T. 


The Bougainville Kina, the BVK, is less than a fiat currency, it is a fraudulent, fictional proposal of a currency that has been used to defraud hopeful innocents out of their hard earned or otherwise accumulated money. 

Mose certainly, however innocently the current perpetrators of this fraud may have begun, they now know their actions are not going to profit anyone except themselves. That is all there is to it. Investors will not get their promised interest nor will they get their  initial investment back. All will be lost and any attempt to get their investment back will be be answered by either silence or lies or threats. 

How do I know? By my own experiences and those of others. 

Frankly, it is now 2:05 am, USA Mountain Time, and I am tired and ready to retire. I'll clearly tell my story and touch upon the stories of others I know of who have lost tens of thousands of dollars and other currencies to the promises and hopes of fantastic returns offered by IBOM and other organizations in league with "the scammers", as they are proclaimed to be by my internet friend, MACE, who also lost a large amounts of his investment and that of several friends who he innocently convinced to invest with IBOM. He is now very angry and anxious to shut down the scam and bring the perpetrators to justice.

I'll put what I have in writing in this blog and will welcome the stories of others, with the intent of warning the world of this wonderful opportunity to invest and get kicked in the stomach or teeth and lose all you put into this going concern. I am concerned and intend to kick back. 

Do you know of any people who have been angered after having been so kicked? I would love to share your story with the world and hopefully kick this IBOM-ination out of existence, and may God forgive the so-called Christian, Bible-thumping swindlers who have hurt and damaged so many victims.

I know my account will be shut down and I will "lose" my account of over 318Billion BVK that is currently on "Administrative Hold" and frozen from earning any interest, frozen from use, because of the writings in this blog. I know (sniffle, choke, gasp) that IBOM will close my account and call me names. Still, I must do as my conscience dictates and tell the world that, in truth, I am losing nothing but vain promises, false account amounts, I am losing nothing. 

If 4 BVK can actually be converted to 1 USD, I'll gladly give ANYONE 6 BVK for every USD they can convert for me. That is $50 profit to them for every $100 they can help me retrieve from my IBOM account, if IBOM Support will allow it.

And if IBOM Support will allow the above, I WILL IMMEDIATELY RETRACT ALL I HAVE WRITTEN AND WILL PRAISE TO THE HIGH HEAVENS, TO THE WORLD, THROUGH WEBSITES, NEWS PRESS RELEASES, EVEN TV APPEARANCES  IF POSSIBLE, praising IBOM, declaring the goodness and worthiness of the whole King David Peii U-Vistract system, proclaiming my humble apologies. 

So, there you are. Unless IBOM converts me by converting BVK into USD or any other international currency OR...

I WILL DECLARE TO THE WORLD with blog, story and evidence the illegal fraud called IBOM and its perpetrators. I will, with MACE and others, work to bring down the scam, kicking and screaming, to die by the international sword of justice.

And my God have mercy on their souls.

I'll keep you posted. Good night (morning).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Moving Onward and Upward - IBOM, GoodBye.

We-e-e-l-l-l, after about 5 years of dealing with ICC and then IBOM I have pretty much decided to not waste any more of my time on the matter.

Perhaps this is a mistake on my part but I can see no use throwing good time and effort away discussing a fruitless endeavor. According to all I've seen and heard even by some who have gone to the beautiful island of Bougainville and visited the "No-Go-Zone" where self-proclaimed King Peii II lives and preaches from the Bible, there is nothing to be obtained from the so-called financial system he has supposedly established. Anyone who can get online can write and post whatever s/he pleases and set up bank accounts into which others may make deposits. Once the money is in that account and is out of the depositors' hands there is nothing stopping the actual owner of the account from using that money any way s/he chooses, no matter what the original depositor says or does.

It is, after 4 years dealing with IBOM and speaking with others who also made deposits into that so-called "bank", my considered opinion that our money is spent and gone, lost to me irretrievably. Fortunately, I lost very little, quite unlike many others who lost thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars, pesos, euros, yen, etc. To those of you who are still hoping to receive anything of value from the IBOM system, my good wishes go out to you.

In the meanwhile, my offer will remain posted and valid for as long as my IBOM "account" shows enough BVK to fulfill my pledge. Remember, however, my offer is subject to IBOM "thawing" my frozen account, which, again, they placed on "Administrative Hold" because of what I have written in this blog. Imagine the Bank of Canada freezing an account with billions of CDN dollars in it just because you wrote a blog on the Internet! It is ludicrous.

But, that is IBOM Support for you.

If there is anyone who would like to take definitive action action against IBOM to attempt to shut them down and remove the threat to investors, I know my friend MACE would be willing to be of assistance. Having lost much to IBOM s/he is motivated to take these perpetrators of injustice to task. I'll help where I can, perhaps best by posting the results of your efforts and informing readers of anything that may benefit them.

I still say, contrary to what others think, that anything that sounds "too good to be true" is worth looking into closely. There are some miraculously fantastic offerings found in the world that are real. Perhaps you know of one or more. My motto is: When in question, ASK!

I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Enterprising Investment Counselor Converts BVK into USD

It is interesting how things come about in this "mortal veil", as Shakespear calls this life we all live in. The old saying, "What goes around, comes around" is the same as what the Prophets call "The Law of Return."

"What you send out returns unto you", they write, "pressed down, shaken together and running over." You might ask, "How exactly does this work?" Well...

The people who dreamed up The whole system that supports the International Bank Of Me'ekamui (IBOM) have sent out into the world what has every appearance of being a legitimate online banking system but which in reality provides nothing in return for the money deposited. Perhaps the creators of this ongoing development actually are altruistic in their efforts. I don't know. I have not met any of them.

I only know that every person I have been in contact with regarding IBOM who have been depositors have each been left wondering how to convert the currency of IBOM, the Bougainville Kina, into a currency they can use. I've never known anyone nor heard of anyone who has been successful. There are no known banks that accept and/or will do trade with BVK.

Nor have I found anyone willing to receive 10 Billion of my BVK in exchange for teaching me how to use any of the 344,064,005,726.42 BVK in my IBOM account. I know IBOM is aware of my offer because they monitor this blog, or at least they used to. This blog is the very reason my account is frozen in an Administrative Hold earning no interest and making my BVK inaccessible to my use.

So, my experience with IBOM tells me they are very defensive about people who cannot find ways to convert BVK into, say, USD and who write about it, asking questions and demanding answers. IBOM support does not take kindly to being questioned, I have found. They will just shut you out after a while of not being able to satisfy pointed, legitimate questions.

The question of "How do I convert my BVK into usable currency" has several answers. The only one I have heard of that actually worked is from a fellow who sold several "investors" on the idea of opening an account with IBOM and making some sizable deposits. The only trouble is that...(information removed by author)...this enterprising fellow spent their money.

(April 7, 2015 - I have been asked by the Attorney General to remove the information that discusses the alleged crime on the grounds that "we would not want someone involved with the trial to read it and be influenced by it in any way."
While I understand the motives behind the request to remove the information, I must say here that it is my desire to influence people with information so they do not lose their money like so many people have, many who have lost very large amounts of money, according to their reports to me. After the court case has been completed, I'll re-post the information. Cameron)

The only trouble arose when some of these "investors" tried to access and use some of their "earnings" in IBOM. They couldn't. No go. Zip. Nada. And the enterprising guy who "helped them" open an IBOM account could provide no satisfaction. He had spend their money so it was gone. Their only recourse was to contact the local Attorney General office and lodge a complaint.

This worthy Attorney General looked online, saw this blog, contacted me for what information I had to share (which is not much, admittedly) that he might be able to use in his law suite against that enterprising "investment counselor". He asked me if I knew others who might be able to help him and I turned him to "MACE", my friend who lost tens of thousands with IBOM. MACE has a load of documentation that is rather incriminating against the perpetrators of the IBOM system. He hoped this Attorney General might help him bring the IBOM Perps to justice. Alas, I fear that is beyond the realm of even a mighty State Attorney General office.

MACE has send his information to the FBI, the US Security and Exchange Commission and numerous other powerful entities, all of  home have left MACE unsatisfied. They did nothing. This means that, rather than being shut down, IBOM will continue being developed, looking more and more legitimate to the sad and potentially sorry people who will open IBOM accounts and place their hard earned or inherited money in the hands of the folks who promise great interest rates but provide nothing but great disappointment.

When enough people world wide discover the zero return of IBOM and the whole King David Pei II system -- MACE calls it a different name that rhymes exactly with my name (Cam) -- and those people squawk loudly enough then the "Reconstruction of Bougainville" will come crashing down around these people. There must come a time when people who take other people's money in exchange for years of unfulfilled promises are brought to face the results of their actions. Unfortunately, in the meanwhile, enterprising "investment counselors" have a legitimate looking website with which to convince their prey ... or rather, their potential "investors".

Of course, I admit that I might be wrong. Perhaps there are bankers out there in the South Pacific who will actually take BVK and trade them for South Pacific Sea Dollars or something much more valuable. It is just that no one has heard of my offer and contacted me in order to receive from IBOM 10 Billion of my BVK. I'll gladly instruct IBOM Support to pay out that amount in exchange for showing me how to use my BVK. If there is an airline that will take BVK as payment for services, that is something. Perhaps there is a copra producer who will take BVK as payment, I'll buy his whole crop at a good price. Then I can sell the copra for USD and take my losses or profits, whichever it is. The BVK are doing me no good just sitting in the bank earning no interest.

So there you are. You get to make up your own mind about this whole IBOM thing. I don't want to waste any more of my time on it.

In the meanwhile, my offer stands: if IBOM Support will allow it I will give 10 Billion of my BVK to anyone who can show me how to legitimately convert 1 billion BVK,...

Heck, let's sweeten the pot: I'll give 10 Billion BVK to anyone who can show me how to convert my BVK into 1 million USD worth of any other product or service or currency. Do we have a deal?

I'll keep you posted.