Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Bank and the Scam

Let me start this blog entry by asking you to "Like" or otherwise share this blog with others. My purpose is to support freedom and liberty wherever I perceive it to be struggling to take hold on the earth. 

I have had an account with IBOM for exactly 3 years now, since Jan. 16, 2011.

I opened the account with a minimal amount of USD and two large Uniform Advertising Promissory Notes (UAPN) from some transactions I did through the Internet Commerce Club  (ICC). I was allowed to place all in a high yield interest bearing account and the amount grew into HUGE number of BVK, literally billions. I discovered that if I earned no more interest (which the account is not earning due to my writings in this blog) and I was able to withdraw $250,000/month to convert to USD of whatever amount, I'd have over 114,000 YEARS worth of withdrawals. Perhaps I should withdraw $250 million /month. But what do you actually DO with that kind of money?

Certainly you want to grow it in some way, not just spend it. I'd have to live forever, or teach my 9 children very well how to grow money and do great good with it.

But I am not the center of discussion here. THAT belongs to the Bank and the Scam.

I have an e-Associate who wrote to me recently that he and some of his friends have lost up to $840,000 through a scam that was perpetrated by Roger Renaud who was at the time the supposed Secretary of State of the island of Bougainville under King Peii II and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Bougainville (CBOB). 

Roger Renaud, who lives in Chilliwack, BC Canada, somehow scammed the whole of the IBOM staff, apparently, taking with him several millions of USD and ripping off the Russians in the process. Another friend of mine, who I'll just call "Rand" for now, told me that after they caught wind of RR's scam, they checked him out via the EU, Interpol, the FBI and even the Canadian Mounties and proved RR to be false. So he is no longer the Secretary of State and CBOB is no longer a real thing. Investors who put their money into CBOB through RR lost their money. Plain and simple.

Is IBOM a scam, though? The International Bank of Meekamui was established long before RR came on the scene. It was established with money from long-time-ago investors and has been the founding creator of the BVK that now fills my account. My account was created long before RR came on the scene. RR's scam has nothing to do with the reality of IBOM and the hopeful project to establish the Island of Bougainville as an independent nation, not an appendage of PNG, and the Bougainville Kina as a legitimate, gold-backed international currency.

When I read of the 10 year war on Bougainville wherein the few freedom fighters drove off the African mercenaries hired by PNG, supported by Australia and they shut down the operations of the huge corporation, Rio Tinto, that ran the subsidiary company that ran the highly profitable Panguna mine that was destroying the local ecology and not helping the local economy much (Bougainville Islanders received a mere 1.6% of the profits mined from their land, only 1.6%!!) -- when I read of this and the subsequent declarations by PNG that Bougainville still is not allowed to be its own independent nation with its own currency backed by its own national wealth (that Rio Tinto and PNG want to mine and remove for their own profit) -- I get disgusted and irritated that the UN, the USA and every other freedom-loving nation  DO NOT rise up in defense and support of this little king and nation who are striving to establish governmental, economic and personal liberty for this land and this people.

Surely the king and his team are going about it the right way. King Peii II is not, it seems, taking his armed forces and attacking the unarmed Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG - established by the very forces that hired the mercenary attackers) to establish his kingdom by force. He is working with them to bring the choice to the people by a referendum a year away in 2015. He is also working to establish a stable, gold-backed currency by which he can build a strong, stable economy based upon commerce fueled by the liquidity of the BVK. This currency is literally the wealth of the land -- the gold, silver, copper, platinum and other minerals -- made liquid and useable by the people.

The land is always owned by the government in every nation. In Bougainville, however, the currency is backed by the wealth of the land rather than the taxes of the people so the wealth is not a debt to be paid by the people but it is wealth to be accumulated by the people. This seems to be a good thing that should be supported.

Instead it is criticized and called "illegal" by the very nations and people that hired the guns that killed 20,000 Bougainvillian citizens.The Bougainville Revolutionary Army is still at war, it seems, although the weapons have changed. Now, instead of bullets and military strategies it has been words and ballots, accusations and political strategies. I wonder who will ultimately win this war?

I just wonder because if the King wins I will be billions of BVK richer. If PNG, Australia and Rio Tinto win this war I will join thousands of others who will lose entire investments. I a certain some people placed millions in their IBOM account to receive the promised yield. I'm sure they stand to lose hundreds upon hundreds of billions of BVK. Just think of the projects that could be planned and implemented, hiring hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, all paid in a gold/wealth-backed currency. That is a lot to lose because some high powered usurpers want the island of Bougainville for themselves.

I'm hoping the King and his people win. I believe they are working to get the currency circulating and proving itself. I hope the people go along with it as willingly as Americans go along with their bank's currency that they know is backed by nothing but their future earnings/taxes. Now what kind of backing is THAT? I ask you!

I am still looking for a person or company who will sell me product that I can import into my country, someone who will take payment in BVK. Who wants to sell something, at a fair price, for BVK?

If I can do business using the BVK in my IBOM account, oh, what a positive write up there will be in this blog. Truly the name will be appropriate. Financial hope will explode in the world because of the trillions of BVK, therefore Euros, USD, CDN, Aussie dollars, Yen and every other IBOM currency balance that has been expanded because of the investments made in IBOM.

The war for Bougainville independence must be won, though. If the King fails and PNG and Rio Tinto win that means the wealth of the island will be dug out and shipped away, removing the wealth that should back the economy of the island people. In the process the pristine island will be polluted, mucked up and destroyed in the mined area and everything downwind and downhill to the ocean. Bougainville needs its independence.

How, for example, would the island economy of PNG progress if they lost their independence to the Australians, the Canadians, Argentinians or any other -ians? No, PNG belongs to its own indigenous people. In like manner Bougainville belongs to the Bougainvillians and the wealth of their land belongs to them AND that ownership should be acknowledged by all the nations of the earth. That is only right.

With that said, I am looking to do business with some Bougainvillians. Anyone interested in doing a couple million or hundreds of million worth of business? Just contact me. My BVK are burning a hole in my bank account drawer.

I'll keep you posted.
God bless.

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